Chapter 6

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I stepped into his room. The so called 'first date' had gone really well. We had taken a stroll around the park, eaten out at the nearby fast food restaurant and walked back home to his place. He followed in behind me and asked me to sit on his bed before he came and sat down beside me.

"You should really stay over sometime. The district lights all switch off later at night and if it's a really clear night out, you can see the stars. It's absolutely beautiful." He sighed.

"I can only imagine." I smiled at him. "Today was really fun. I really enjoyed it." We sat in silence for a while. "Well?" I finally broke it.

"What?" He asked, turning to me.

"Aren't you going to do it?" I mumbled, slightly nervous.

"Do what?" He seemed confused. Ok this is so awkward.

"Ask me out?" I raised my eyebrows at him. He started to blush. I could tell he was, even in the dim light of his bedside lamp.

"You..." He cleared his throat. "You should ask me." He muttered.

"What?!" I exlaimed. "Why can't you ask me?!" My eyes grew wide as I stared at him, shocked.

"I'm really bad at it. Come on. Ask!" He stared at me expectantly. Oh god.

"Ok fine." I rolled my eyes and huffed slightly. "Adiel Reids, will you go out with me as my boyfriend?" I asked.

"Why'd you make it so formal?" He frowned at me slightly.

"Will you?" I was growing impatient and was quite thrown back when he leaned in and kissed me. He moved away just a little bit, breaking contact and staring at my lips which were barely touching his.

"Yes..." He muttered.

"Oh... Also... I'm really bad at make outs..." I whispered. He greeted me with silence and put his hands on my face as he kissed me again. But before it turned into a hardcore make out session, he suddenly stopped.

"No same here and... Um," he cleared his throat. "You're... You're waving on me."

"What?" I was clearly confused.

"You're doing this wave thing. You're sorta waving on my body." Waving on his... Oh... That slight movement while you make out... God.

"What? No! You're waving on me!" I began to blush really hard.

"I am not!" He protested.

"Alright let's check then." I challenged. He leaned in and kissed me again. I could sense him doing the wave thing. I wasn't moving at all and I'm pretty sure he was waving his body against me, though we weren't touching much. "You're doing it!" I hissed after pushing him away a bit.

"What?! No!" He hissed right back at me. "Come on! I'm not moving at all!"

"Neither am I!" I huffed.

"Okay fine. Let's... Let's just pretend it's fine." He sighed.

"Of course it's fine everyone does it." I muttered before he leaned in.

"I swear, you are the only person who's ever had this waving problem with me." He didn't let me reply as he kissed me right then and while we were switching sides, there was this squeaky slurpy sound and he burst out laughing, which, naturally in turn made me laugh because I felt awkward. "I am so sorry." He apologised.

"It's... It's fine. Really." I tried smiling at him. He looked at me and smiled in a sort of relieved way before he leaned in and kissed me again. This time, there was no interruption. Any weird thing we did... We went along with it.

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