Chapter 23

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"Aria!" I cried out, seeing her sitting on the couch, pinned down by two guys and her skirt off her waist hanging at her knees. There were at least 3 boys excluding Quinn. "Oh you pedophiles." I scream before punching one in the face. The bartender stepped in to join me but was held back by two guys who he managed to deliver some amount of blows to. "Where is the bouncer of this place?!" I yelled at him as Quinn grabbed me and pinned my arms behind my back.

"Oh sweets I wanted to do you so hard since the first time I laid eyes on you." I heard Quinn's alcohol filled breath and I can assure you-It. Was. GROSS.

"I don't know?!" The bartender yells at me. I was seriously wishing Bunny was here right now. Quinn began to drag me towards the guy holding down Aria now.

"Ma'am!" I heard the guard call out loudly. Oh god music to my ears!

"Somebody get the door!" I heard Quinn yell. Shit. One of the guys holding the bartender reached with his foot and pushed the door closed. We all watched as the door hit something in an inch. It hadn't closed. The guard had wedged his foot in at the last moment. He barged in and punched one of the guys hard in the gut, causing him to double over in pain and let go of the bartender. The guy holding Aria let her go to join in the fight but was easily knocked down by the bartender who was now free. The guy who had been holding the bartender received an equally-if not more-hard punch near his pelvic bone, not so much the gut. The guard came over to Quinn who hesitated for a minute and took a step back with me but the guard grabbed his arm and yanked him towards me, manhandling him before landing a hard crunching punch to his face. I turn to Aria, who was being offered a shirt by the bartender, who was also, luckily apologizing to her. I walked over to her and helped her fix up her skirt. She burst into tears before putting her arms around me and pulling me close.


I made sure no one was home as I dropped her off at her house and led her to her room. She sat down on the bed slowly. I crouched down on the floor.

"Di-Did they do anything to you?" I asked slowly, not sure of how hard this would hit her.

"Just touched me." She said quietly. "And... Um... One of them made me touch his willy." She began to blush, her feisty exterior broken and she was torn into exposing the little girl she really was. I sighed.

"Did they put their hands anywhere?" I motioned with my fingers, crossing circles in the air slowly. Aria shook her head.

"Over my clothes. They didn't directly touch me anywhere."

"Who made you do the... Um... Willy thing?" I looked away for a moment.

"Quinn's bestfriend, Jacob. He zipped up when Quinn went to get the new bottle before you barged in." She hugged herself tightly. I went to her and hugged her. "You're... not mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?" I frowned.

"For not listening to you."

"Ah..." I said softly. "Well, tell me exactly what happened."

"I told Quinn that the place was opening tonight. He... He asked me if I could get him in and I told him that I could. He wanted to bring some friends along so I said yeah. They came and got some bottles in. I kept protesting but they were saying that I'd like it and to just let go." She took in a deep breath. "Thank you for coming."

"Anytime. I would be there for you yeah?"

"Why did you come?" She looked up at me. "I hated you, and embarrassed you."

"Because it was the right thing to do." I sighed.

"I'm sorry for being mean to you. You're actually very nice."

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