Chapter 16

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"Girl!" He flipped his hand at me sassily before hugging me. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. He spotted Adiel on the couch. "Woo is that your boyfriend?!" He teased.

"Yeah." I blushed while laughing.

"He cute." My ex bestfriend, Ben fawned.

"Ok ok that's enough fangirling." I joked.

"I'm sorry! I just actually couldn't believe you and Adiel Reids were dating." He said softly as I led him into my house.

"Ben!" My mum gushed as she was heading out and spotted Ben.

"Hi Mrs. Schwartz." Ben hugged my mum, nearly enveloping her. Ben was one of those huge teddy bears.

"So... Have you found a decent cute boy yet?" My mum teased.

Ben was also gay.

"Not yet, Mrs. Schwartz." He blushed as my mum laughed.

"Bye kids. Don't leave out Claire." Mum called as she closed the door and left. Claire and Bunny were having a pep talk in the kitchen. It seemed as if whenever Adiel was around, Claire would ball up and shrink into a corner. I think Claire viewed Adiel as a celebrity of some sort.

"Who's Claire?" Ben asked.

"My cousin." I explained. "She lives with me now. Parents died." Ben nodded. We heard a plate crashing onto the floor. I hoped it was plastic since it didn't sound ceramic and I held my breath. Bunny walked out and breathed heavily.

"Plastic." She concluded as she walked into the living room, making me sigh in relief. Claire soon quietly walked out and sat herself down between Ben and Bunny.

"You alright now Claire?" I asked.

"Tell Lia why you avoided her boyfriend, Claire." Bunny encouraged.

"Adiel Reids is your boyfriend?!" Claire frowned at me in confusion.

"Yeah?" Adiel and I said together at the same time. Claire blushed. After a moment of silence, she sighed.

"Adiel Reids used to date this girl I really liked." She said softly.

"You're a lesbian?" I frowned as I realised I hadn't ever known. Claire shook her head.

"I'm bi."


"Well, that aside. Who wants to do some proper hanging out?" Ben changed the topic.


"Shhh!" Bunny hissed. The phone in her hand was on loud speaker and still ringing. After a while, someone picked up.

"Hello. This is Dominoes Pizza, may I take your order?" The guy sounded like he was our age.

"Hi could you give me the number to Pizza Hut?" Bunny was completely serious it was almost frightening. The line went dead after a few moments and we burst out laughing extra loud. Good lord she was great at prank calls.

"Slayed! Slayed!" Ben couldn't stop his laughter. After we all calmed down, Adiel decided it would be cool if we all spent the night at his place. I stared at him wide-eyed.

"Private party." He winked.

"But hold on, I don't think my mum would like Claire and I sleeping over at yours. She trusts you, but not enough to let me sleep over." I protested.

"Neither would my mum. So I just told her I'm sleeping here. You tell your mum you're sleeping at mine." Bunny smiled at me with a mischievous look.

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