Chapter 11

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"I'll miss you." He says to me as I hug him tightly while he stands near his car, waiting to leave for the airport.

"I'll miss you too." I mumble softly as he hugs me back tighter before kissing me goodbye and getting back into the car. I stand near my gate and watch the car speed off down the road, getting smaller and smaller till it turned the corner and disappeared. As I'm walking back into the house, Bunny calls and asks me to go over. It was late December and school went out two weeks back. I decided to skip my January exams and just do my June ones so I was technically stress free for the time.

I ring the doorbell to her apartment and wait till she answers which isn't long but annoying since she's lazy and it takes a while. She's dressed in an oversized shirt and half asleep as she ushers me in and yawns.

"What'd you want?" I ask as I sit down on her couch.

"So yeah. My parents aren't in the country." She muttered lazily. "So Paul's kinda been staying over."

"What?" I ask, frowning. "What the heck Hollie?!" I glare at her in utter shock.

"He's kinda been over since the party the other night." She sat down beside me on the couch.

"Ew." I grimaced. "Ever heard of brushing?" I frowned. "Or not?! For two days?" I say half sarcastically, my voice going an octave higher.

"Sh. He's asleep." She nudges me with her elbow. "Besides, we've been too busy fucking to actually care about hygiene."

"Oh god gross." I get off her couch and stare at her in disbelief when she bursts out laughing.

"Relax Luv." She's holding back tears now. "He's got enough money and the decency to buy and keep himself a toothbrush." She sighed. "But he's actually really good though."

"TMI." I grin as I sat back down. God Bunny, way to gross me out, even if it wasn't real.

"Hey no, that's not the thing. I need to pop off to the store real quick. I need some womanly stuff so do you mind staying here with Paul?" Bunny got serious.

"Okay, 1; you could have asked me to go to the store while you accompany him, and 2; what the fuck?!" I groan.

"Great thanks." She got up and rushed off back into her room. I sighed knowing she wouldn't take no for an answer and sat back on the couch. I texted Adiel wishing him a safe flight before Bunny came back out. He's just got out of the shower. He'll be with you shortly." She pulled on her shoes and stopped at the open door. "Oh and if Chris drops by, tell him his breakie is in the oven." She closed the door before I could answer. Chris was her older brother, someone I used to date-before we both realised we looked at each other too much as siblings to actually go out as a couple-and eventually broke up with. Paul came out when Adiel texted me saying he was getting onto the plane right then and he came and sat next to me.

"Sup?" He asked, his eyelids droopy and tired. I won't lie, I had always found Paul physically attractive but I knew him well enough to be put off by his personality.

He was technically an immature child.

"Nothing." I shrugged.

"You're boring." He whined.

"Listen," I turned to him. "I'm not here to entertain you and I never will entertain you because I have absolutely no obligations on doing so whatsoever and if you're in your right mind, you'd know that just because I'm the only person around and you're highly unentertained, it doesn't mean I have to go out of my way to keep you satisfied. And answer this honestly, do you or do you not like Hollie?" I gave him a stern look. I had always been in a joking manner around him but I didn't want Bunny getting hurt.

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