Chapter 13

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"I know I told you I'd wait till I sort out the papers but that could wait I don't think I'm ready yet," she chuckled slightly. "So I was the average quiet shy girl. I didn't do much and I wasn't very noticeable in school. My best friend was... Um... I can't quite remember her name right now but she was a fun person for sure. I met her when I was 13 and we were best friends since... Until we turned 17." My mum's smile faded.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well... We both fell for the same boy. His name was Benjamin Smith. I still remember." She chuckled. "Oh he was so handsome... But things turned out quite messy. Benjamin fell for me and I had a fallout with my best friend. Then she left me and never really talked to me and within the span of two months, she had gone off to Cambridge. I slowly forgot the important bits about her and I never really went out with Benjamin. I suppose she thought I would...

"When I was 18, I was walking to my favourite doughnut shop when I noticed a young man going into the sperm donating bank across town. Well... Not really noticed, more like we bumped into eachother. I dropped my credit card and it fell in the gutter and he had to struggle to get it out for me.

"When he did, I thanked him and offered to treat him to a lunch and he first refused but I kept insisting till he gave in. I can be quite persuasive after all." She grinned again. "While eating at the Doughnut Say No, which I assume is still there, I asked him why he was going into the donation bank and he told me..." She started laughing at this point.

"Was this dad mum?" I raised my eyebrows and she started nodding.

"He-He told me-" she stopped laughing then. "He wanted to open a savings account at this bank." Her statement made me laugh too and we both started laughing. "It was then that I realised... This would be a fun man to keep... But I was wrong I guess... He's really changed so much."

"What about your bestfriend?" I asked.

"I've never really thought much about her... Or seen her since then. I suppose she started her own life somewhere." She sighed. "She always was quite the adventurous one... From what I can remember, her last name must be Clarkson."


My mum and I went to pick up Claire and there was a lot of legal contracts she had to sign. Claire was a short blonde girl who had light blue eyes. For some reason, her hair reminded me of Khaleesi from GOT.

According to mum, Claire's actual father, my late uncle in marriage wasn't listed anywhere in Claire's papers. My dad was also informed and was attending his sister's funeral. I turned to Claire as we sat in a waiting lounge.

"Why aren't you attending your mum's funeral?" I asked. Claire turned to me blankly.

"I don't want to." She said tonelessly.

"Because?" I dragged the word, not sure if I was hitting a soft spot or not.

"I saw her die. I don't want to see her lifeless body again. I want my last memory of her to be while she was alive and smiling." She turned back to staring at the wall. "But I guess I can't really have that."

"How'd your mum die?" I turned to her.

"Why do you care?"

"Because you'll be living with me from now and I need to know the sensitive topics I should avoid." I sighed.

"What sensitive topics." She sighed back. "My step-dad, George Balwick stabbed her. Pools of blood. He's going to jail anyway. So I don't care."

"You... You don't mind me talking to you about your step dad?" Hm... New information. Surely George Balwick must have a family who can take her in?

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