Chapter 7

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I was finishing up in school when I got a message from Tiana.

<Are you two dating?> It read. I read the message a couple of times.

<Who two?> I asked.

<Don't play dumb! I'm talking about you and Adiel.> Oh... Oh boy...

<No. Why?> I sent out the little lie after 20 minutes of hard thinking. Then, sent another text. <I'm in class. Ttyl.> I put my phone away and took a huge breath. Should I tell Adiel not to tell Tiana we're dating?

Then he'll ask why...

Besides... Why would she ask him anyway. She trusts me enough.

When the teacher dismissed the class, I grabbed my bag and hurried home. When I checked my phone, Tiana had messaged again.

<Wow. Honestly, you could have just told me. You didn't have to lie about it. I can't believe I trusted you enough to call you a friend. You knew I liked him and you still went for it. That was so selfish of you. I seriously don't need fake people like you in my life.>

I texted her on the spot. I knew playing dumb wouldn't work anymore.

<I didn't mean for it to happen. It just did. You can't seriously be ending our friendship because of a guy.> I waited an hour for her reply just doing nothing and staring at my screen. <Tiana?> I sent her another text after two hours.

Still no reply.

I tried calling her but it seems that she had blocked my number as the number was always busy before it even rang. I switched back into the real world to realise I had three missed calls and one text from Adiel. I quickly opened the text and called him back.

"Ay did you even get home safe?" He said as soon as he answered.

"Yeah. Why?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I've been knocking on your door for ages. I know your mum is at work but you should have gotten home."

"I am home. I'm sorry. I was just really preoccupied. I'll open up." I put my phone away and went downstairs after freshening up and opened  the door for him. He was still in his uniform and slightly wet. "What the heck?" I frowned.

"Yeah it was a friend's birthday and they did this whole water fight thing." He gave me a sheepish smile. His hair was hanging down and he had his bag over one shoulder. I gave him a grin before stepping aside to let him in.

"You are from one of the most prestigious schools how can you even behave like this." I rolled my eyes as he removed his uniform shirt and handed it to me so that I could hang it up to dry. He just took my towel and started drying himself and I turned to him to give him a kiss when my eyes landed on his body. I literally froze and stopped breathing.

Goddamn this boy and his blessed appearance oh my god...

"I can't really go home all wet and stuff so yeah." He grinned.

"Wet huh." I gave him a smug smile at the unintentional pun he made.

"That should be my line." He moved right up to me and looked at me straight in the eyes as he pressed himself against my body. He was leaning down and I tried to kiss him but it seemed he had no plans of letting me do so.

Oh... God... This tease.

"You're so immature." I pushed him away and walked off towards the kitchen to get him a little snack to eat.

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