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Finally! After one intense year of training to become a Jedi, Master Luke said I can now construct my very own lightsaber in order to complete my training. He's made it very clear about how I need to retrieve my crystal, once I've entered the cave I will search for a crystal, once I have found one I must put it on my palm, if it melts I need to keep searching. He has told me that if I don't get out before dark I will freeze to death and if I return without a crystal I have failed as a Jedi.

"Rey, the time has come for you to get your crystal. You do remember what I told you? If you get stuck or lost in there I can't save you."

"Yes Master, I understand. I need to retrieve it on my own," I was so pumped for this. He gestured towards the archway, signalling me to enter. Here goes nothing. I made my way into the ice cave and looked around curiously, there was no signs of any crystals, that was until I saw a opening ahead, I continued walking making sure I left footprints so I could find my way out.

I had been in this cave for almost a hour and still nothing, I turned a corner and right there was a beautiful crystal calling for me, I picked it up and rested it in my palm, it didn't melt, I placed it in a small silk pouch I had brought in with me. I was very pleased with my find, I'm not going to tell Luke what colour it is until I've constructed it. I started backtracking my footprints and I surprisingly didn't get lost.

I exited the cave and Luke looked at me expectingly, I simply held up the silk pouch that contains my crystal. "Well are you going to show me it?" Luke asked with a hint of excitement in his voice. "Nope, it's a surprise! You have to wait until I have constructed it," with that I ran off to a secluded area where I could peacefully construct my lightsaber without any distractions, well so I thought.

While I was getting everything organised the black cloaked man with the cross guard lightsaber crept into my mind again, I haven't been able to shake my thoughts of him since our battle a year ago, he's always fresh in my mind and Master Luke senses it so I  try to divert my thoughts somewhere else.

I have all the parts laid out and ready, now the crystal, I gently place it where it needs to be, I close my eyes and use the force to construct the saber. After a few minutes I open my eyes and there before me lays my very own lightsaber, a feel a rush of excitement so I grab my lightsaber and start running down the hill to Luke, once I've reached the bottom I notice him sitting there cross legged meditating, he feels my presence and turns around and rises. "Have you completed your lightsaber?" Master asked me with a glint of excitement in his voice, I just simply nodded my head, "well, what are you waiting for?! Light it up."

After Master Luke spoke these words I raised my lightsaber and ignited it. I saw fear flash through Luke's eyes as he took a step back, I thought nothing of it. "What do you think? It's amazing isn't it, the colours are beautiful!" I was so proud of myself for building something so great.

"Rey," Luke's voice spoke sharply, "where did you find that crystal!?" He raised his voice, he never raises his voice. "I-I found it in the cave, it was calling to me. Is there a problem M-master?" I stuttered out, I have never seen Luke with this look upon his face, I was truly terrified.

"Chewie, prepare the ship for take off," Luke called to chewbacca. "What!? We're leaving, why?" I asked Master Luke, he just looked at me with fear, "we're leaving to get you some assistance," that was all Luke said. Assistance? Why would I need assistance?!  I have done nothing wrong! I thought to myself.


How was chapter one?? Leave your thoughts in the comments

QOTD- If you were a Jedi what colour lightsaber with you have?
AOTD- I would have either red or black

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