Chapter 1

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It's my birthday today, the only thing I really wanted was what I was going to get, Joey, my best friend is spending the day with me. She told me that she had a huge birthday surprise for me... I'm dreading it. When Joey gave me something it was either too good to give away or really weird! But I loved her for being like that. We were both 18 now, Joey was older than me by like a month but I acted older than her. Me and Joey were kind of like sisters, we would share everything.

I sat on the bed listening to some music, Joey just left my house to go to hers which isn't that far away, I'm still living with my mum and dad and so is Joey. Jobs are so hard to find these days and even if you do find one you won't have the right qualifications. I always thought it was about who you knew not what you know. That's what I saw around here anyway.

I stared at the ceiling smiling, I loved to be alone, not crowded. Joey wouldn't bother me but I'd hate to be famous... The paparazzi snapping photo's of you everywhere you go. I sat up and my brown curly hair covered my shoulders, I was wearing my black skinnys and purple tank top. I didn't really dress up like a lot of people do (Well the people who think they're popular) It's only clothes, As long as you're wearing clothes that's all that matters right?

I saw Joey burst through the door making me fall off my bed. I pulled the headphones out of my ears and stared at her whilst she laughed at me.

"So not funny Joey" I told her standing up slowly she just smiled at me and sat on the bed, I joined her and raised an eyebrow at her. She was wearing her 'I love MCR' Top and black skinny jeans. Her hair was straight and covered her shoulders.

"I've got everything ready" She smiled and my eyebrow's raised even higher, she smiled innocently and ran to my wardrobe chucking clothes onto the floor.

"Um. Joey!?" I shouted pointing at the clothes but she stopped throwing them on the floor and took out a certain black top. She turned to me and showed me it... It was my 'I Love My Chem' top. What was with her and this band today? "What about it?" I asked standing up and walking over to it, She handed it to me.

"You're wearing that today" She told me, I nodded and sighed walking to the bathroom slipping my purple top off and slipping on the black top. I walked back out and she looked excited. I slowly walked over to the bed but she never dropped her smile.

"What are you up to?" I asked nervously.

"If I told you, It wouldn't really be a surprise... But I'm giving you obvious clues" She smiled and sat down on the bed stealing my Ipod. She plugged into the stereo which was next to her and turned the volume up so Teenagers were blasting out loud.

"I'm guessing something to do with MCR?" I shouted over the music and she nodded, well actually I wasn't sure If she was either head banging or nodding. I laughed at her and did an air guitar which she joined in with. I saw someone stand at the door and It was my brother, Joey stopped straight away and sat there quietly.

"Dinners ready" He smirked and I nodded.

"SHOO DOG!" I shouted and he gave me a glare before leaving, Joey nudged me and I rubbed my arm.

"Don't be mean!" She told me, I smirked

"Just because you like my brother..." I whispered and she pushed me off the bed so I landed on my butt. "Ouch!" I said rubbing it and she laughed.

"I'll tell you the surprise after dinner" She smirked checking the time. We both ran downstairs like kids and ran to the table. I couldn't wait to hear what the surprise was especially if it included MCR! I quickly ate my dinner and Joey finished hers after, I dragged her upstairs into my room and closed the door smiling at her

"What's the surprise?" I asked eagerly

"We're going too see My Chem live tonight!" She screamed and my jaw hit the floor, I ran up to her hugging her. We stopped and looked at each other screaming and we jumped in circles. MCR live!? This is going to be my first concert, I'm glad I was seeing this band for my first time, I heard their shows are epic. Well Joey's made my birthday epic.

Kidnapped by... My Chemical Romance!?Where stories live. Discover now