Chapter 7

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Me and Joey were running for our lives, we hated every second of it but it's what we had to do. We were running at the same pace and I didn't hear any other footsteps apart from ours. I daren't look back, If I looked back I would slow down and be caught. I focused on the front and I could tell Joey needed to stop for a rest and so did I.

"No, stop" Joey said giving in and I stopped looking around, there was no one there thankfully. Maybe we was too fast for them?

"We need to rest" I choked out trying to get my breath, we had been running for some hours and I wouldn't really call myself a healthy person. My throat was dry and it stung when I tried to swallow air. We both walked over to a tree and rested our backs against it.

"Will they find us?" She asked slowly regaining her strength.

"No" I lied, they probably would but we would run, the good thing is that they aren't around at the moment.

"Should we sleep?" She asked me and I looked around, no buildings were around so this tree and floor will have to do.

"You sleep and I'll keep an eye out in case" I smiled but I probably only scared her more. She nodded and slowly closed her eyes. I looked out at the road hoping for car to come along to save us from all this. All my muscles ached and they didn't want to move from this spot. I heard rustles behind us but it was probably only the wind. That's what I hoped anyway.

I felt something hit my shoulder and I looked to see Joey sleeping on it. I laughed gently at myself for jumping but my eyes soon shot up to look at the road in the distance. I could see lights coming our way. I slowly moved away from Joey making her head hit the floor gently and stood up. My muscles were screaming at me but I had to try.

I started walking slowly towards the road and stood in the middle of it. The car was coming at me but slowed down thankfully. It was a black range rover with blacked out windows. It stopped about 20 inches away from me and I tried looking in the window but couldn't see anything. Something felt wrong but it was this or dying from dehydration. 

The door to the car slowly opened and my heart picked up a faster pace, It was so hard to stand still but I gave it all I had. I heard a chuckle and I knew something was wrong. The person stepped out of the car but their face was hid behind the window. I saw a knife being drawn out of their pocket and I fell to the floor.

"You know" The man said walking up to me and I heard another car door open and shut, "We'll always find you" He said kneeling down, I looked to my side and saw Joey being picked up by Mikey. She didn't wake up which was kind of good.

"Fuck you" I choked out and smiled slightly at him, I saw Gerard appear next to Frank who looked quite pissed off.

"Put the knife away Frank" He whispered to Frank and he did as he was told. Gerard scooped me up in his arms and brought me to the car. I saw Joey in the car with Mikey, they were both asleep now and I sat with Gerard who didn't need to tie me up since I couldn't move from lack of energy.

"Just let us go" I whispered trying to keep awake and Gerard put his arm around me as he sat down next to me.

"We can't do that" I heard the smile in his voice and the engine started again. When Joey woke up she would hate me for this, I knew there was someone behind us in the forest. How did they find us though? Could we ever get away? My eyes closed and I fell asleep soon after.

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