Chapter 12

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I felt so awkward sitting here with him, I just upset my kidnapper and made him happy again? Actually scrap the last part, he doesn't really look happy.

"Cheer up Frank" I whispered and he held my hand.

"If Gerard wasn't here... Would you pick me?" He asked softly looking into my eyes, I swallowed hard and thought... I need to be careful about what I say.

"Um, yeah" I Smiled and he smiled back.

"So, tell me what you like about me" He said turning to face me fully, Oh this should be fun... Should I tell him? It wouldn't hurt right?

"Well, you have really nice eyes... You can play the guitar well. Your hairs awesome and sometimes your really sweet" I blurted out and a huge smile filled his face.

"Really?" He asked and I rolled my eyes nodding "So, basically like Gerard" He asked raising an eyebrow trying to hide a smile.

"A little yeah" I whispered and his smile became... Evil looking? His eyes narrowed and he never let go of my hand. What the hell did I just do.

"You like me" He said smugly, "So I bet you liked it when I kissed you" He winked and I tried pulling my hand away.

"Frank let go" I whispered

"Even if I did let go, our hands would still be together" He shrugged and rattled the handcuffs. Shit, he was right. "We're forced to bond" He said smugly and I shot him a look.

"You tricked me" I snapped


"And you can't just do that"

"Just did" He smirked at yet again, the urge to slap him became strong again. I breathed deeply and he quickly put his arm around me. "Isn't this fun" He smirked and I tried to concentrate on the floor. 'Do not hit the twat' I kept repeating but the urge became extremely strong. Why did he put this on himself?

"Get your arm off me" I snapped but he never let me go. I think he wanted me to react this way, some kind of game to him. I tightened my free wrist and looked down. Nope, Couldn't hold it in any longer. I looked up at his smiling face and without any delay, I punched him Afterwards, I simply just gulped.

"FUCK" He shouted holding his face and pulling my wrist to it. "You stupid bitch" He screamed holding his right eye. I couldn't help but smile... In my head. I was terrified in reality. He let go and stared at me. "Let's see how you fucking like it" He snapped and I tried moving away but he grabbed my neck with both of his hands and made me stand up, he started walking towards me so I had to walk back until I hit the wall. I tried pulling his hands off my neck but it was no use. He lifted me up and I started loosing air quickly, I tried to kick him but I couldn't. I'm going to die by being strangled?

"Frank!" I heard someone shout as my eyes became heavy, I felt myself being lowered into someones arms and when I got my strength and air back I saw bright red hair. "What the hell are you doing?" Gerard asked Frank who was right next to me

"She fucking punched me in the eye!" He shouted and I held my throat with my free hand trying to release the pain but it didn't work.

"And why would she do that Frank?" He asked raising an eyebrow

"She told me she didn't want to be here any longer so she punched me and tried to take the keys" He blurted out

"So strangling her was the best solution?"

"I was just defending myself" He shrugged, fucking liar.

"L..Liar" I choked out trying to sit up but Gerard held me there.

"You better rest" He whispered as Frank unlocked the handcuffs and put it on Gerard's wrist. Gerard scooped me up and started carrying me to a room but before I went I looked over his shoulder to see Frank standing there with a smug smile stuck on his face.

Kidnapped by... My Chemical Romance!?Where stories live. Discover now