Part 6

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Kylo Ren's P.O.V.

I didn't went through all this training to end up like this. I'm from the dark side, you're a jedi, you're my enemy but I can't see you that way. Now I still couldn't imagine how foolish I've become since we've met, I can't forget what happened. Regret rushed through my veins with ecstacy that almost broke my mind for thinking about the loss that I could've had. But even though you're not willing to, you made me feel the strangest feeling a person could feel that my other ego threatens me I unconsciously activated my tri-saber slashing it in all directions, screaming in discontent of what happened. "Quit messing with me!" I dropped my tri-saber then put my helmet back on thinking about the biggest person I look upto, Darth Vader. I decided go to Captain Phasma hoping I won't turn out as a fool, but I have to get Hux out of the way. I called for two stormtroopers to send a message but they're nothing but mindless idiots. When I got out my chambers every area I go to becomes empty leaving me alone with the sound of my footsteps. Phasma was intrigued, she listened with huge interest she can barely hide her feelings as she lent some time for me told me to come in her chambers when she's done. "You can't have a jedi, and are you even allowed for such thing?" She sat as she replied stiffly after I talk, obviously tripped on some shit. She seems like she expected something like this to happen, but how could she not say anything? "She has nothing to do with your emotions Kylo Ren, you have the problem." I kept my mouth closed until she wanted me to open up almost shouting it to my face. "Pardon me." I stayed still at my post I was too afraid to take off what's choking me. "You're wasting time Ren, tell it to me now before I dispose of her." She highlighted the last part of her sentence rapidly losing patience with me. Unusual that she's not the calm and collected captain she showed us. "You might want to think that I'm in charge with her." Nonsense things were all I could say that very moment.

Rey's P.O.V.

Here I am still trapped in a trance, silent with my consciousness until he apologize with a side salad of coming back. Fshht that's not even a possibility! What's the use? I prepared for a quick shower, looking for clothes but all I found were the ones he gave me, just a painful memory from Han Solo's death, the sight of black. He was weak in the force, he wasn't himself I'm sure that's it, he'll be sorry to his mother someday, I hope sooner. I believe it just needs strategy, but what about me? I felt like staring with drooping eyes out of the window thinking about my life and training contrary to this mission. "Master Luke, I know that you know where to find me, please take me away from him." I said numbly to the point of hopelessness and whatnot. Overflowing regrets grabbed me that I was blaming myself why I got kidnapped without being ready nor a single idea stuck in this dumb head. I slouched on a seat with stressed brows and tucked stomach fighting the shock. What happened was so quick I assure anyone would never know what to do if they were in my shoes. It shattered my entirety as a person even if it is not the big deal yet, and it will never go that point. I loathe him, I want him to die because of that. I stared sharply on his side of the room, with rage convincing me to go with my stupidest idea. I sided it for a while looking forward to wash off the pain, I thought it could help lessen my problems. Clutching my dirty clothes, the scent of him ran through my nostrils it made me want to vomit, and to vomit I mean wash myself from that scarred memory. I feel so lost thinking as I was assessing myself on how to cope, to understand why I thought I could fight alone in a rotten state. General, I know you feel me, what are you trying to tell me? As the water fell my tears fought it as I felt hot water on my cheeks, it didn't helped at all. I dried up and tried my hardest to call Finn but no matter how gentle or hard I press it won't work. I tried to fix it when the beast came in. He was standing furiously, but then he walked in a way and I felt talking to him. Should I read his mind? Not sure. I continued as I got away since I can roam this thing anywhere I want except for some places. I wonder what's in those five rooms? I passed by rows of stormtroopers being lectured by Captain Phasma. Speaking of, who is that woman? As my eyes wandered the sight of their uniforms aroused my interests but then I continued walking when General Hux saw me, staring like an eagle. That pale man who turns into a complete dumb ass when he talks to Ren, oh that sin. His parents don't deserve him. Why Darth Vader? Why not Anakin or Luke? When General was Princess Leia there were none but love between her and Han Solo. She told me stories that made me feel dreadfully sad that I'm just a scavenger all my life before this short period of life I'm living. I hope someday I'd meet mine, but more like Anakin I hope. But first I have to find my family, and no I'm not allowed to get married, unless I follow Anakin's footsteps. I know Maz meant something more than what I thought when we had our first encounter. I wasn't mindful of where my feet were taking me when my conscience snapped out of the blue. I sighed around feeling strange like I know this place already. "This place is sick!" I suddenly uttered not expecting an echo which then made me walk further. As I thought I was getting nearer in the end someone pulled my arm like he's gonna rip it off.

I turned to see my almost-mirror, who should I expect? There's no ease in struggling, and from this guy don't dream because you'll end up with nothing. He's lucky I'm not in the mood to fight, especially now I'm alone. Finn and I worked together in everything that I thought I lost every single thing I know from when we settled in. He's been a jackass, a damsel in distress you name it, but there's something I would not like to open up, ever. Though it's terribly obvious a jedi can never get into a relationship and nothing's blocking me from following that. That's why I shut my doors to everyone who stole a piece of my heart from the very start of training. Not that I think I'm pretty but he's not one of those guys, he's more in the best friend section. I know he'll find her, maybe not now but she exists, not in my place though.

As usual, fiery eyes with a hint of friction whenever they align with mine. A minute of a steady stare. "Let go." I said calmly, but he didn't listened. I tried to pull my arm as he watching in enjoyment while laughing. "I won't let you go until you answer every question I ask you. You get that?" He commanded until his mask was almost just two millimeters from my face. There is something extremely wrong with this guy. "Room." He ended as he walked on. What if everything now is just because that's what he had started? It's a chance. I grinned to myself as I walked determinedly to his place seeing once again the weird things I passed by earlier, still having no idea what planet we are in right now. How can that guy live in such faded environment? All the good in him are locked up in the core of his heart. I was about to knock when the door slid open. He was steadily waiting making me wonder how he can stand doing boring things. I came in and asked for his request for a conversation. He took off his mask and sat down offering me a seat across him.

"What did he told you?" He was eager to get something I can't point out. I scrunched my brows in confusion when I realized it was Luke Skywalker he's talking about. "Your parents who left you." He was teasing for a bit resting his arms on the desk focused on me. "I know them, he's not my father." I shook my head as I replied with shivering hands. I never like anyone talking about my family more if I don't like the person. "I know, I can see. But you probably don't know who you really are." He kept on making me want to hear more, something with more substance. I tried to read his mind but he stopped me. He held my neck without a tight grip warning me to not do that again. "Yes I won't." I replied pulling my neck from his grasp. "First you had a vision and now you had a dream." He seemed scanning me looking like a maniac. "Stop that!" I got mad at him while he looks like he's playing with me. "Where are you exactly taking this?" I was nearly about to lose my patience when I remembered myself. "You're a clever girl, now everyone's after you and you have no idea who those people are." He scratched his jawline as he stood up like he's gonna tell a backstory as I remained silent.

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