Into Their Minds : Part Six

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It was completely dark, until a little speck of purple glowed brightly in front of me. I looked down and cupped the pulsing light in my hands. Suddenly the purple lashed out and I screamed as the purple light burned my skin as it creeped up my arms. The light wrapped and twirled around my arms as I screamed in agony.

"All you ever could do was scream." Jordan's voice murmured, cold and abandoned. "Scream and cry and weep for mercy." The purple light wrapped around my neck and solidified into an arm.

"How could you ever call yourself my champion." Ianite whispered behind me. Her arm tightened, and I choked as she began to strangle me. "You're so weak and pathetic you can even protect yourself." I gasped for air as I gripped her arm; trying to pull it off of me. "I was trying to save you." Her voice faded away and I collapsed to the ground.

"'Ello Jardon." A soft voice said, and I turned to see Capsize standing behind me : her brown locks drifting in the abyss.

"The woman I thought I loved," Jordan's voice echoed throughout the void. "And in the end, I couldn't even save her."

Capsize took a step towards me when suddenly a sword cut through her. It glowed with the brilliance of molten lava and veins of fire spread over her. Her brown eyes widened as she screamed; blood and fire falling down and splattering onto the ground near me. My heart raced as my eyes widened at her bloody figure.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" She sobbed, clawing at her skin as tears of blood trailed down her cheeks. The fire and blood swirled together as as she screamed in agony. They merged and swirled on her skin until she turned into something unreal.

Something not quite human.

Jordan's sobs echoed around me.

"I COULD DO NOTHING. I COULD ONLY WATCH AS SHE DIED, AND I HAD TO WATCH AS SHE DIED AGAIN." She shuffled towards me, her brown eyes lifeless as still wet blood ran from her eyes.

"I'm nothing," Jordan choked out, his voice distorted by the dream.

All fear evaporated.

A dream.

None of this is real.

I stood and walked towards Capsize. I imagine the day she died, I tried to imagine how he felt; his love dying a second time.

I opened my eyes and shoved Capsize away from me.

And sent her tumbling into the abyss.

I looked around.

"Hello?" I groaned. "Come on, I killed her. Can I go now?"

"You." Jordan's voice hissed, distorted and warping around me. I tensed. "You kill everything you touch." I didn't move. "No wonder you're so alone." My heart froze.


"Even your friends hate you. 'Copy Cat Jordan, not a single original thought in your mind.' Tom has a god who's there for him, and Sonja and Tucker have each other. And who do you have?" The voice fell silent. "No one." Jordan's distorted voice echoed close to my ear, and I whirled around to see Jordan standing before me.

His armor glinted a poisonous purple, seeming to whirl around him. Purple mist clouded him, and his eyes were blank and cruel.

I stepped back, but he stepped forward.

"You think you're so special, but what can you do? You think you can love, but you kill everyone you touch. You think you can actually save people, but all you do is hurt them more." Another voice was sobbing and I turned to see another Jordan; blood covered him, his armor was destroyed and half his sword was missing. Tears cut clear trails down his bloody face.

They both looked at each other as purple and red seeped off one another and slowly the liquids made their way towards me.

I shuffled back, trying not to throw up as the blood mixed with the purple taint.

"You can run away from us." The two spoke in unison; their voices melded together into a horrifying tone. I turned and ran into the abyss, not daring to spare a glance behind me.

"But you can't run away from yourself."

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