Into Their Minds : Part Four

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It was hot.
My eyes flickered open and I gazed at a book. I quickly got up and pulled my face off of the book.

I had... Fallen asleep?

I stood and walked towards a window; instantly recognizing the desert city.


Mot's home.

I turned and I saw a reflection of myself in a glass case. Well, a reflection of Mot. I walked downstairs and was hugged instantly.

"Daddy!" I looked down and blinked at the small girl hugging my legs.

This must be Alyssa.

I picked her up and set her on my hip as she placed a flower crown on my head.

"For you!" I chuckled.

"Thank you my little one."

I walked outside, and smiled as I gazed down on the busy streets while Alyssa hugged me close.

So this is what it's like to be loved.

"Why would he love me." Urulu fell silent and everything turned gray as Mot's distorted voice swept across the still city.

Alyssa disappeared from my arms and I whirled around to see nothing.

"Who would ever love such a hideous creature." He scoffed. "Who ever could." His voice drew close to me, and I heard a scream pierce the erie quiet of the frozen city. I snapped my head in the direction it came from and darted towards it.

I weaved between frozen villagers and ran through buildings. I jumped from roof tops as the screams continued.

But suddenly I was not longer in Urulu.

I was jumping from tree branch to tree branch high above the ground. Old trees stretched to the sky and cloaked the world below in a vibrant green canopy.

The scream pierced the air again and I continued to run.

I ran and ran until I eventually was met with a little village.

A village that was burning down.

I jumped down from the tree and felt the wind lashing at my face as I fell down and towards the earth.

I hit the ground and stumbled as I saw one of the houses burning down in front of me.

And the scream rang out again.

I ran into the house, feeling the fire singeing my clothes as I ran through the crumbling house.

Through the flames I saw a small girl curled up in a corner, frightened eyes watching me, and I recognized what was happening.

This was how Mot met Alyssa.

I reached for her and smiled, but the image faded away.

A white room.

Masked faces looming above me as metal objects stabbed and pierced my face.

I struggled, but my limbs were tied down.

"Interesting." One of them murmured. "He's half creeper." I screamed in pain as he stabbed part of my face, but the doctor just laughed and leaned closer. "I wouldn't try to scream for help. Besides, who would help such an ugly monster like you."

The world faded to black as I felt pain consume my conscious.

"A monster." Mot's voice hissed. "A monstrous being that no one could ever love."

"My champion? Oh no Mot." A distorted version of Dianite's voice said. "Tom is my new champion."

"Him." I saw an image of Tom laughing with everyone else. "He's just as much of a monster as I am, maybe even more of one." A moment passed as the image of Tom laughed and shoved Jordan slightly, make him laugh as well. "Maybe that's why he has friends. He's not some half monster." Tom smiled. "He just is." The image dissolved, and a shape appeared.

It was Mot, then he split in half and there were two of him.

One side of him a pure creeper.

The other side of him human.

They spoke in unison.

"What's the use of living when all you want is to be dead."

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