Into Their Minds : Part Two

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I was surrounded by darkness, faint light enough for me to make out a burning castle in the distance and blood waterfalls pouring from above. I was in a lush green field from what I could see, but every step I took the grass wilted and shriveled to ash beneath my steps.

"You're pathetic." A distorted version of Wag's voice whispered, echoing through the vast cavern like area. "You call yourself a wizard, when in reality you're nothing more than a coward." The voice continued.

I looked around and forged ahead, the voices getting worse as I got closer to the castle.

"EVERYTHING IS YOUR FAULT. YOU KILL EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH, YOU'RE USELESS AND WEAK." I stared up at the castle, the flames wrapping around the beautiful building and it turned black.

Blood crept up from the pools around and started circling me. The light in the cavern disappeared as the building disappeared.

"You should just die." Wag's voice said.

Suddenly the air shifted and it turned blindingly bright. I winced and squinted forwards.

The blood turned to clear water and the sky was a brilliant blue.

Martha was standing there; her hand extended to me and a smile on her face.

"Why would anyone ever love you?" She said, her voice suddenly cruel.  The sky turned red and the water black. Her eyes filled with hate and I shuffled away from her. The grass became blades of glass, cutting me as I ran from her.

"You don't deserve love." Wag's distorted voice said, a faint and defeated whisper as I ran past the ruined castle and the field.

And the Martha that had voiced Wag's fears.

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