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I knew what depression felt like.

Obviously I wasn't a doctor so I couldn't diagnose myself but all I knew was that this was how depression felt like.

I was outside Spencer's hospital room and watched her and Jade talk. "Jade I want to see Addie."

"She'll come when she's free," Jade replied. They were both sitting on the bed together and Spencer was in her arms.

"But she came to visit us though didn't she? So she should be free," Spencer pouted and I sighed, silently hating myself for putting that look on her face.

"I know Spence."

"What is she even doing? I need her here."

"Spence you have me," I said as I walked inside, getting both of their attention.

"Addison!" Spencer said as she opened her arms widely but I just sighed loudly.

"I'm not hugging you Spencer," I said and she raised her eyebrows at me.

"What? Why not?" She asked and sighed loudly. The look of hurt flashed across her face and I took a deep breath.

My phone vibrated and it was a text from Isabella reminding me that it was her birthday.

"Jade you can tell her, I'll be right back," I said looking at Jade before leaving the room.

I dialled Isabella's number and called it. "Hey Addie," she said and I sighed loudly. She sounded pretty happy but I knew she wasn't going to be any longer.

"Hey Bels," I said.

"Right what's wrong?" She said and I sighed loudly. I wasn't surprised that she knew what was wrong because she could read me like a book.

"I can't come to your birthday party," I replied and she sighed on the other end.

I was actually supposed to be performing a song for her party but I couldn't do that now.

"Are you being serious?" I could tell she was hurt and I rolled my eyes at her.

"I'm really sorry-"

"Why Ads? What else is so important?" She asked quietly.

"Bels I'm in Boston," I replied and she sighed loudly.

"Why the hell are you in Boston? How freaking long have you been there?"

"Not long."

"So you're really not coming?" I asked and she sighed loudly.


"Are you even coming back?" I scoffed at her question because I was feeling offended by her comment.

"Of course I am Isabella how the hell can you even ask me that?"

"Whatever Addison, do what you want," she mumbled and I rolled my eyes at her. Before I could even respond, she hung up on me.

I sighed loudly as I walked back into the room and Spencer said "was that Isabella?"


"Has she moved on?"

"What the hell do you care? The last time I checked you were with Kevin," I snapped and she sighed loudly.

"Addison," warned Jade but I rolled my eyes at her.

"I'm sorry," Spencer said as she looked at me and I raised my eyebrows at her. "Seriously I am so sorry about Chase and that bitch. I hate them both and it makes us sick to our stomachs. We don't condone what they did okay? I hate that they hurt you and I hate that we hurt you by not telling you but if we knew that you would be this upset then we would have told you within a heartbeat."

P.S I Miss You {editing} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now