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I woke up late for school again. I rolled my eyes at the sound of Tyler's loud ass snoring.

I finally got out of his bed and got in the shower. By the time I got dressed, it was almost 11. I wasn't about to rush to school, I'm already late so its no use.

I got out the shower and rolled my eyes at him still asleep in my bed. I walked over to my dresser where my phone was charging. I had a few missed calls and text messages.

Taliah: where are you? We lookin for yo ass.

Me: I'm getting dressed now. I'll be there soon.

I almost clicked the send button but i felt Tyler's arms wrap around my waist. I sighed and proceeded to click the send button.

Tyler started kissing my neck and i looked at him through the mirror. He saw the seriousness on my face.

"What?" He asked.

"Look.." I said moving his arms from around me. "This isn't working."

"Excuse me?" He said folding his arms.

"You heard me. This. Me and you? Its not working."

"Mann.. You cant be serious."

"No.. I am." I said leaning against the dresser. "I think its time for you to leave"

I had no remorse. Honestly, I didn't care. I just wanted him out my house and out my face.


I had just gotten dressed and I called Taliah, who was probably in Chemistry class.

"Cmon cmon.." I said impatiently as the phone rang.

"Hey boo."


"Where you at?"

"I was tryna get Tyler's bitch ass out my house."

Me and Taliah been close friends, damn near sisters, since 1st grade and we're both graduating, along with Kaylin. We met Kaylin back in 7th grade and we've all been close ever since. Three Musketeers if you ask me. We been through some serious hell. I dont know what i'd do if they weren't here.

"Well hurry up!" She semi-yelled.

"Alright!" I said still holding my phone up to my ear while fixing my hair in front of the mirror. "I'm coming now."

I ran downstairs to see my mother asleep on the couch. She works too hard.

I ran quickly passed the living room so i wouldnt wake her up. I know she's tired. I quietly closed the door behind me and hopped in my car. The radio blasted as i sped down the streets, jamming. I was in my zone. Lol. I even thought about just skipping school for the rest of the day, but then i thought about it. I'm already on "probation" at school. Ha.

I pulled up into the school parking lot to see the usual stoners outside smoking.

"What up 'Niece?"

"Hey" I said smiling as i got out the car and got out my bookbag out of the trunk.

"When we gonn chill?"

I laughed as I put my arm through one strap, closed the trunk and locked all the doors.

"In your dreams, kid." I winked as I walked to the front door and heard his friends laugh.

I signed in at the front desk and started to walk to the cafeteria. I walked down the hall to get a few glares from girls and smiles from guys.

I laughed it off as I continued walking until I walked passed the Spanish room.

"¿hay alguna razón por la que llegas tarde?" Mrs. Lopez leaning against the doorway.

"Mrs. Lopez, we're not in class, speak english. And I woke up late." I explained, which was truth.

I could tell by the look on her face that she didn't believe me. I've known her since i was little. Her and my mom are really close friends. And I'm pretty close to her daughter Alicia, well everybody calls her Aleese. But anyway, I've been around them so much that I'm almost in fluent in Spanish. Lol

"Excusas, excusas. Ir a comer."

I laughed and rolled my eyes and continued down to the cafeteria.

I sat down at the table with Taliah, Kaylin, Aleese, Sai and Jade.

"Well look who finally showed up for school today." Jade laughed as she looked up from her phone and at me.

"Shut up." I laughed back. "But anyway, what's this I hear about Sonia having a party this Friday?"

We all turned our attention to Taliah so she could explain herself.

"What?" She asked. "Sonia's dad took our mom on some vacation and they're out of town for the rest of this week, so why not have a party?"

We all nodded in agreement and continued with our conversations.

"Guys," Sai said looking specifically at me, Kaylin, and Taliah. "My cousin is bringing over his three friends to my house this Saturday. I want yall to meet them."

No. Not this again.

All three of us gave her the exact glare. She laughed at our expressions.

"We've been through this," I said.

"When you gonna stop with this matchmaker shit?" Kaylin bluntly said, taking the exact words out of my mouth.

"I'm not!" She said. "Yall need to get over this 'player' phase.. Yall been doing this for like 3 years and its time for yall to get over it and settle down."

Her and her Dr. Phil moments be KILLING me. Lol

"Now look," Taliah said folding her arms in front of her. "I doubt that's gonna happen.. I dont know about yall, but I'd rather be enjoying this last year of high school instead of worrying about 'settling down'."

I nodded and added my little two-cents

"And you can take the player out the game."

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