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Johnniece, Kaylin, Saiige and I were all at Saiige's house having a little pamper/spa night since the party at my house is tomorrow.

"So Taliah," Sai said painting her nails and looking at me. "wassup with you and Bucky?"

I saw out of the corner of my eye, Niece giving her a look like "girl shut up" lol. But that was a good question. I honestly don't know what's going on with me and Bucky. We've been on and off since the beginning of his freshman year in college. The last thing I remember was going to one of his friend's parties and seeing him hugged with some girl. I mean, i know we both agreed on this open relationship stuff, but seeing shit like that still hurts.

"You need to get on that" Niece said.

I laughed and shook my head. She was right.

"But this party tomorrow," Kaylin said. "what time?"

I scruntched up my face at her question and responded with "you're gonna be over my house that day so why you asking?"

"Look miss, I just asked a simple question. No need for the caddy remarks"

"Please, nobody wants to hear yall argue today, so cut that shit out." Saiige said.

"whatever" i said twisting my hair with my finger.

Ha. Me and Kaylin always argue, that's just a part of who we are. We've always argued alot, to be real. Probably since we were little middle-schoolers.

"Sai!" her mom yelled from downstairs. "Jay is here!"

Jay is her annoying ass cousin. He's always bothering us. For as long as I can remember, he purposely annoyed us when we had girl-days like this.

"Here I come!" she yelled back. "come on yall."

"what we gotta go down there with you for?" I asked even though we all did get up with her.

"We don't wanna see your cousin." Johnniece said grunting while we walked to the steps

"We see his annoying ass enough." Kaylin said bluntly causing us to pause and laugh.

"Girls!" Her mom yelled again. "Dinner's ready"

"Here we come now, Ma!"

And with that being said, we all raced down the steps into the kitchen.



This was the perfect time. I grinned as I thought about what was about to happen. I told Jay to bring his friends over so they could meet Kaylin, Niece, and Taliah.

I really do want them to give up this "player" phase. 'Cause it's like they're just throwing themselves at every nigga that walk pass. Plus, I'm tired of niggas coming up to me asking me to hook them up with my bestfriends. It's beyond annoying.

We all walked down the steps, one behind the other, but i stopped in the living room and they went into the kitchen. I was in awe at the fact that they just walked right passed the three fine specimen I'm looking at right now.

"Excuse their rudeness, you guys can go in the kitchen" i said as i shook my head and motioned for them to walk through the doorway.

Taliah, Kaylin and Niece were already eating, greedy asses. lol but Jay, the three guys, and myself sat down at the the table with them.

"Let the fun begin.." I whispered to Jay as I laughed.


Me and the bros were standing in Jay's cousin's living room when four gorgeous girls walked down the steps. And I mean damn, they were stunning. It was one that caught my attention though. She was a little shorter than the other two girls and had honey blonde hair.

When we went into the kitchen I immediately sat next to her.

"Taliah, Niece, Kaylin, this is Julian, DayDay and Langston" Jay said pointing all of us out.

"So which one of yall is which?" I asked.

The girl sitting across from Langston started talking first. She had long hair that was in a ponytail, bright eyes, braces, and a heartbeat tattoo on her wrist. "I'm Taliah"

The one sitting directly next to her had her hair up in a bun, slightly toned arms, and the same tattoo Taliah had. "I'm Johnniece, but everyone calls me Niece."

"And you must be Kaylin" I said smirking at her and putting my hand out.

"You guessed right." She said smiling back and shaking my hand.

She had the same tattoo as Taliah and Niece.

"Nice tattoos." I said scanning all of them.

"Yeah," Kaylin said taking a sip of juice. "We got it Taliah turned 18.. Best friends for life"

She put her pinky out and Niece and Taliah linked theirs with hers.

I licked my lips and looked her up and down. I wanted to be blunt as hell and tell her I wanted her then and there, but it's a little too early for that.

"So what's the move for tonight?" Jay's cousin Saiige asked.

"Well," DayDay said. "we were gonna go bowling tonight with the fam."

"Yall mind if we tag along?" Saiige asked.

"Oh no, its not a problem" Langston said.

"Yall wanna go?" She asked the other girls.

Please say yes..

"Yeah," Niece said. "It wouldn't hurt to get out the house."

"Okay then.. We'll meet yall there?"

"Yeah." I said.

Me, Day, Lang and Jay got up while Saiige showed us to the door.

"I'll text you which place we gonna be at" Jay said.


After that, we left her crib we hopped in the jeep and i drove us over to the bowling alley.

"Damn.." Langston said breaking the silence. "I gotta get with one their fine asses"

All I could do would shake my head in agreement.

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