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"Yo!" I felt a hard hit across the back of my head.

I groaned and pulled my covers over my head.

"Kay! Get up!" I heard my brother, Derrick yell.

I threw the covers off of me and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at him

"Get out.." I mumbled.


"Get Out!" I yelled and pounced off my bed at him

He ran out then I slammed my door shut. I belly-flopped onto my bed and closed my eyes.. Until my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said with a slight attitude and not opening me eyes.

"I hope yo ass is up and getting ready right now" I heard Taliah say.

"No. Why?" I said still laying down.

"Get up!" I heard her yell.

"Me and 'Niece boutta leave her house and come to yours."

I moved the phone from my ear to look at the time. Almost 7:40. Ugh. Me and waking up early don't mix.

I got up, showered real quick and got dressed. Today was a bummy day so i just had on some sweatpants, a tshirt and high-top Nikes. By the time i finished, i heard the car pull up. I looked out the window and saw Taliah and 'Niece getting out the car.

I ran down the steps and they stared at me.


Johnniece looked me up and down and said "You going to school like that?"

Taliah had the right idea, she was dressed the same way. She leaned on the doorway while we all talked.

"Yeah! Im not going to school to impress nobody, unlike your bitch ass"

"Watch your mouth!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes and said "lets go."

I picked up my bookbag and duffle bag full of clothes while they walked out to the car.

"Bye Ma!" I left the house and i got in the back seat only to see their bags. We were going to Saiige's house after school to spend the night. Then tomorrow's the party at Sonia and Taliah's house.


We got to school before the first bell rung. 'Niece was parking her car so she said she would meet us in class.

"Sooo.." Taliah said closing her locker and looking at me. "What you think about this whole Sai introducing us to those three dudes she talking about."

"Man.." I said looking for my math textbook and practically standing in my locker. "I doubt it's gonna change anything.."

I found my book and stepped out of my locker.

"I don't know why she insists on doing this every time. She always telling us about scrubs that not about anything."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"So I heard Bucky is coming back to town sometime this week" i said cracking a smile at Taliah.

Bucky, well his name's Deion Jr., but he's Deion Sanders's oldest son. Yeah, Deion Sanders the former NFL football player. His nickname has been Bucky for as long as we can remember. Taliah and him been on and off since he left for college. They agreed that they should do what they want while they were apart.

She blushed as soon as I said his name.

"I know, I can't wait" she said hugging her books.

I closed my locker and we headed down to Spanish class.



"Hola chicos y chicas! Today we will be learning how to talk about childhood memories. Can anyone make an educated guess on how to say 'when I was a child' in español?"

Niece's hand shot up instantly

"Johnniece?" Mrs. Lopez said motioning her to answer.

"Cuando era niña" she said.

"Wannabe spanish ass" I whispered.

She sucked her teeth and looked at me.

"Shut yo Italian ass up."

"Mai, bambina" I said rolling my eyes.

"We only speak spanish and english in this room, miss" Mrs. Lopez said turning and looking at me from the board.

"Lo sentimos, señora Lopez!" I said causing everyone else in class to laugh.

Johnniece and Kaylin are ALWAYS getting me in trouble. Why is it always me? lol. I'll never understand it.


2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th period flew by. Thank the lord. I can't stand school too much more. I walked to my locker after the bell rung. After I basically threw everything in my locker, I started walking down the hallway to the cafe. I grabbed a few things from the vending machine, 'cause I for damn sure wasn't gonna eat that slop the lunch ladies try to call food. I sat down with the whole gang; Kaylin, Johnniece, Aleese, Sai and Jade.

"I'm not playing about this weekend" Sai blurted out.

I laughed and shook my head as I saw Kaylin and Niece's facial expressions.

"No, Saiige." Kaylin said.

"Forreal, just stop trying." Niece said after.

"I'm telling you, yall gonna have to stop this sooner or later, it's not a good look anymore."

"So what you tryna say?" I said after wiping my mouth with a napkin. "We need to 'settle down'?"

"Well...." She paused. "yeah."

We all busted out into laughter.

"Whatever man, keep thinking that." I said before taking a sip of my soda.

I shook my head and laughed once again before going back to talking to them.



I had my earphones in my ear as I walked down the empty hallway. I have a habit of doing this. lol. Sometimes I just find myself walking through the halls. And what makes it even worse is that I don't even be knowing why I'm out here in the first place. Ha.

But anyway. I was going to my locker before the bell rung so I could avoid getting rushed by the people in this school. Damn, I gotta clean this shit out. It's no excuse why it should be looking like this. I've never been a junky person; this is ridiculous.

I leaned down and started picking up random papers and balling them up until I heard a voice.

"Well,well,well. Ms. Johnniece."

"Huh?" I said turning around to see Bucky. "Bucky!"

"wassup?" He said smiling and putting his arms out for a hug.

"What you doing here? I thought you weren't coming until Saturday?" I said hugging him

"Change of plans I guess." He said releasing from the hug. "I'm with my dad from today until late next week. Just needed to see the family."

"Good.. Plus, your girl gonna be happy to see you."

I don't know how those two do it. I couldn't be committed to anyone this young. Man, I don't even know what they are. They aren't dating because he sees other people and so does she. Ya know what.. Imma leave that up to them.

"I missed her. I'm gonna surprise her this afternoon so don't tell her I'm here yet."

"I got you."

"Alright." He said looking down at his phone and starting to walk away. "Imma see you later though. I gotta go."

"aight Bucky."

"Take Care"

I smiled and proceeded to dig through my junk-filled locker.

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