[3] Third Wheeler

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Elle groaned and dropped her head on the table. Where were Allison and Nova? She couldn't stand being in this table, with a couple. Along with another couple. There we go, as the friends in the group predicted, Justin confessed to Marian. Now Elle is being the third wheel with 2 pairs. She can't handle too much love in the air. It will suffocate her. Next time, she's buying a gas mask.

"Wanna come over to my house again?" Elle overheard Justin whisper to Marian. Elle covered her ears.

It was useless.

"You left your headphones at my apartment." Danny spoke to Aileen as she was chewing on her cheese puffs.

Elle felt like she could die. WHERE ON EARTH ARE THE SINGLE LADIES. Elle felt like the two couples were choking on her at their long sized table as it was merged by 3. Even if the table was big enough for a whole group, it felt like she's in a kiddy pool stuck with kids. Just when she was about to excuse herself, she saw someone stop by their table. Elle looked up and saw Stefan. Another one from their group.

He smiled at her. "Hey, couldn't help but notice you're suffering."

Elle grasped his shirt and pleaded. "I'M THIRD-WHEELING. HELP ME."

He furrowed his brows and stifled a laugh. "I dunno. It was entertaining to see you in the bad side."

"You're evil!" Elle whined and started hitting his chest but he just kept laughing.

"Alright, alright." He sat down next to her.

From afar, it may look like a triple date. But in truth, one pair was really just friends. One is dating, and another is still mysteriously pending, aka, Justin and Marian.

"Hey Stefan!" Marian greeted, teeth showing.

Elle noted that, Marian only smile like that when she really is happy. He grinned back at her and took out his headphones and cellphone. Then again, even with Stefan, it still felt like the table was suffocating her. It's as if he was never here, just as if he were in the shadows. Elle groaned and slapped her cheeks.

The two couples were busy talking to each other. Elle thought it would be too rude to just interrupt and join in the conversation. Besides, she wouldn't even want to join in a conversation that is...entirely not her business, or anything scarring her for life. She looked around, biting her lip. Where are the single ladies? Even yet, she realized, Stefan is also single. Then, where are also the single guys in their group? Elle realized the guys in her group are now taken and Stefan was the only guy available.

Elle doesn't see Stefan in any way at all. Just friends, but Elle frowned. She had a mighty guess that Stefan liked Allison. So if, Allison and Stefan got together, then.. there would be 3 couples. Elle can't 3rd wheel 3 couples! She'd die even before they'd announce they were even dating!

"I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE." Elle immediately stood up, surprising the people at the table.

"Wh-where?" Aileen stuttered, cheese crumbs stuck on the side of her mouth.

"AWAY FROM YOU ALL." Elle pointed out hysterically.

And ran.


Being at the table was really uncomfortable. Being away from the table was surprisingly comfortable. Alone. In peace. Elle sighed, enjoying the sentimentality. Elle walked to the sides of her gigantic school campus. She smiled to herself, maybe a time off from lovers was all she needed. Elle took out her phone and texted Allison.

"where u guys?"  She hit send and awaited for a reply. Then she got a text back after a few minutes.

"there r swaaaag ppl. Eugh, theyre so slow at walking! They think theyre swagmasters with the way the sway their slumped shoulders like that!" Elle chuckled at her response.

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