[11] Watercolors: No Words

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public main SoulsWeave{

           public static void main (String [] args) {

           System.out.println ("Souls Weave Notes");

           System.out.println ("                         ");

           System.out.println (" By: Jared Stronk");

Gemma frowned at the boy in front of her, doing basic programming. She tilted her head to see more through his hunched back as he furiously continued typing. Gemma huffed and sat back down properly on her chair, she was entirely bored out of her head. Raining hard outside the coffee shop, Gemma looked out and saw the rain pitter patter on small puddles. She stared at the busy streets of Manhattan, lights soon popping on, the random colors of umbrellas, and the beautiful carvings of the building apartments.

She had to wait for her next job interview, being deaf isn't exactly helping her either. There are not many jobs looking for a deaf girl who is willing to work for you. She could teach sign in language but there's no one here who would want to learn it.

Gemma returned to her watercolors, grabbing the paintbrush and dabbed it on the paper. She brushed on the blue hue and glided it over the paper. She saw movement in front of her and watched as the boy in front of her stretch out, and crack his knuckles. He looked around but Gemma couldn't see his face because half of his face was hidden over his hoodie resting on his back. He caught her staring and rose a questioning brow.

Gemma quickly downcasted her eyes, blushing internally, she would have to pretend she was zoning off and made eye contact. But he didn't brush it off, he moved again and Gemma watched him as he stood up and awed at her work.

He spoke but she couldn't understand. She couldn't hear.

She signed that she is deaf and she did not know a word he was saying, it took him a moment to understand but he tried to say something again and she was sure he was trying to apologize. He took his laptop and underlined his programming tab BlueJ, Javascript or something. He typed something there and showed it to her.

Gemma squinted but then twitched a smile when she read it. "You have a beautiful drawing."

She signed a thank you and gave him a smile to show she was truly grateful. He only smiled back at her, he pointed at the chair in front of her and then pointed himself, Gemma nodded as he sat down and set the laptop there. Gemma furrowed her brows in question to why he wanted to sit with her, but she decided to disregard that and continued to sip her coffee.

He typed something in there again with a serious look, but he turned the laptop so she could read with a smile. "Do you come here often?" She nodded and he continued to type. "It's a shame this coffee shop isn't very popular. This place is very good."

Gemma nodded, agreeing with him, he smiled and continued his programming. Gemma wanted to talk more to him but she's afraid he wouldn't understand her, their only communication is his laptop. Gemma continued her work and drew the starting lines, she felt him tap her arm and she looked up and read what he typed.

"What's your name? I'm Jared."

Gemma tried not to laugh at his bad flirting ways, but it was cute. She typed her name and he smiled at what she typed. He pressed letters in the keyboard and let her read it.

"My sister is deaf too."

Gemma dropped her smile and showed a sympathetic one, she takes it back, he wasn't flirting. Well, he wasn't the first, when men at the pub would hit on her, they would get mad when they don't get an actual response. Gemma shivered from the aircon, she glanced at the waiter who turned the aircon higher, Jared noticed this and called him to lower it down.

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