Louis William Tomlinson

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I stared out the window, kicking my leg against the chair I was sitting in. It had been January when One Direction adopted me, March when the abandoned me, and it was now June. My birthday had come and gone, with only myself congratulating me for survivng another year in this hellhole. Eh, it was the same every year. My only greeting was a slap in the face. Really, that was the best thing.

I watched as kids messed around in the park, not knowing what I'd give to be them. I noticed a man that looked familiar, but I couldn't guess how old he was or even who he was. The his face glanced up at my window and I gasped.

It was Louis.

I quickly drew away from the window, but not before I saw his mouth gape open and eyes bulge. I shook my head. I was probably imagining it. He had forgotten me, I reminded myself. He didn't care. It was all for publicity. That's what I'd convinced myself of these past few months.

I heard my stomach rumbling for food and I rolled my eyes. I wasn't used to eating much, my idea of a feast was a sandwich. But I did have a small stash of candy, though it was slowly dwindling. I got it off the orphanage black market, or, as we called it, the OB. Partly because of the initials, and partly because the first thing they had smuggled in was the Hunger Games books. We didn't trade money for things, we traded chores, privileges, and for the older kids, sex.

As I didn't have any privileges and all my chores were the worst, I usually had to do the sex part. I know, I know, but I didn't have anything else, except my precious skateboard, which I wouldn't trade for anything. And since I usually smuggled the things in, I ran the younger kids' OB, although I did have to occasionally trade stuff at the older kids' OB. Which reminded me, I had to go meet with a guy at school today for stuff. I had already paid him, so I had to meet his appointment.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

"Get your lazy asses down here, it's time for school!"

Ah, right on cue. I grabbed my bag from my closet and decided it would be better to go out through the window to avoid the beating I would surely get from Ol' Miss She Devil. I jumped out of the two-story window and kept walking. Really, I did it on a daily basis. I walked along, pretending not to notice Louis gawking at me.

Yes, apparently he didn't disappear, he had waited for me. Which I thought was very rude. I walked right by him and couldn't help with a comment.

"Close you mouth, Lewis, you'll get flies." I sneered.

Now, before I get screamed at by some fan-girl, yes, I know his name is Louis, I just wanted to make him mad. Why? No idea. But, hey! It worked!

He closed his mouth, but still seemed at a loss for words. "You- wha-jumped-"

I rolled my eyes and walked on, mumbling "Stupid prick" and a lot of other unflattering remarks. I heard footsteps behind me and I sighed. "If you're any of the kids from school, I already kicked you asses, If your Luke, we broke up, and if you're Louis, go away." I growled the last part.

Of course, it had to be the latter.

He caught up with me and matched my pace, not saying a word.

"Why'd you break up?" He asked.

Just had to break the silence, didn't he?

'Why are you still here?" I shot back.

"I asked you first." He countered.

I sighed and shook my head. "He got sick of my shit and walked away."

"What?" He said in disbelief. I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was shocked.

"He was tired of having a girlfriend in an orphanage that had problems, so he left for some other girl, Amanda, I think."

"I'm sorry." He mumbled.

I waved off his apology. "Don't be. He turned out to be a dick. Anyway, I only liked him 'cause he reminded me of my brother."

There was a silence.

I shook my head. "Why am I even talking to you?" I muttered.

I turned to him. "Go away." I growled.

He was taken aback. "What? Why?"

"Because you're a conceited prick that only cares about himself." I informed him. "Now go."

He looked like he wanted to protest, but he shut his trap and walked away. I nodded, pleased with myself that I had driven him off, and went back to walking to school, just as it started to rain.


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