Midnight Memories (Heh, couldn't resist)

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I stared out the car window, scowling out at the world. I'm positive the world hates me. I mean, I was abused, my dad killed my family right in front of me, I was raped, I was bullied, I accidentally killed a girl, I was sent to an abusive orphanage, I was adopted 3 times, each time getting more abuse, I gave up, I got adopted by 5 boys, I thought they cared about me, they took me back, my boyfriend broke up with me, how many other reasons do I have for hating the world, too? Just one.

The boys got me back.

I felt someone scoot closer to me, wrapping their arm around me. I flinched when they touched me, but I didn't say anything.

"What you thinking about?" Zayn whispered.

I rolled my eyes. "Rainbows and butterflies." I said sarcastically.

He chuckled. "Seriously."

I huffed. "I'm thinking about how much the world hates me."

He didn't say anything for a bit, and that satisfied me. Suddenly, he pulled me up on his lap and pressed my face into his shirt.

"Zaaaayn." I groaned.

"Chriiiiiis." He mocked. "Hush, you know you like it. Thousands of girls would kill for this."

"I'll tell Perrie you said that." I sang.

He looked at me with wide eyes. "What? No! I-" He paused, then smirked down at me.

"What?" I said, fidgeting.

"How do you know my fiancè's name? We weren't together when we adopted you last time, and I never told you her name."

My eyes widened. "I-Uh-No-o" I stuttered, not knowing what to say.

He smirked down at me. "You kept tabs on us, didn't you?"

"Maybe." I grumbled, putting my face back in his shirt.

He chuckled, and began rubbing my back. At first, I flinched every time he did it, but soon it felt relaxing, and I fell asleep.


"Zayn, if she wakes up she'll kill you."

I flinched, still half in my nightmare. "Don't touch me." I whimpered.

I struggled against whoever's arms were wrapped tightly around me. I felt the arms slip under me and lift me up bridal-style, making me struggle even more. "I don't wanna!" I cried, still half-asleep.

"I thought she was over all that." A voice whispered.

"Harry, she was raped when she was eight, and that kept going on for four years. She's not going to forget about it in a few months." Another voice hissed.

Wait, Harry? And that other voice...


Wait, who's holding me?!

I began struggling harder while opening my eyes. They took in every detail, filling with terror. They stopped on the tanned arms that were wrapped around me, slowly carrying me to the house in front of us.

"Don't touch me!" I cried in terror.

"Relax, love. It's me. It's Zayn." He murmured into my ear, still carrying me to the house.

I know most girls would kill for this experience, but that's just it. I'm not most girls. I'm the freak who only has two friends. I'm the weird child that keeps to herself because she's scared of getting hurt. I'm the girl that freaks out if someone she isn't extremely close to so much as touches her.

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