A Happy Reunion

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I growled at the boy across from me. "You told me you were bringing books, not fucking ipod touches!"

He looked scared. Couldn't blame him. My temper was not something to mess with. "I-I'm sorry. Some guy gave'em to me. Said he'd take the books and to give you the ipods."

My eyes snapped up. "What? What'd he look like?! What was his name?!"

He scratched his neck. "Uh-um- said his name was..."

I tapped my foot impatiently.


"What?" I practically choked.

"Yeah. He said his name was Lewis."

I shook my head. "Whatever. Just give me the damn ipods."

The boy handed me the ipods and hurried off. I shook my head. What a wimp!  I stuffed the ipods in my bag and walked off in my usual slow walk. Just a few months ago I would run back to the orphanage, usually in tears. But since I got back I had whooped those bullies butts, and since then they never bothered me again. My thoughts turned back to Louis and I growled deep in my throat. What a prick! Thinking he could fix everything just by givin' us some ipods! The next time I saw him-

No. I shook that thought out of my mind. I didn't want to see him again. There would be no next time. I would make sure of it.

Of course, the skies chose that moment to pour down rain.

I stopped and looked up at the sky. "Really?" I yelled. "Is this necessary?!"

I started walking again, still grumbling. A car zoomed past me, dousing me in water.

"You ass!" I screamed at the car, shaking my fist at it.

The car stopped, as if it was actually mad at my comment. I ignored it and kept walking, still mumbling curses.

"Chris?" An astonished voice came from the car.

I looked up in shock.

Not only was it Louis, it was the entire group of One Direction!

"Great." I mumbled. "It's my lucky day."

I chose to ignore them and keep walking, but stubborn them thought they would drive alongside me talking to me as they go.


"What happened to you?" Niall said in shock.

I looked down at my clothes and agreed with him. What had happened to me? My signature black  clothes and combat boots were muddy and drenched. My face probably had some cuts and a black eye and my knuckles were scratched from many fights.

I chose to make a snide comment. "Reality happened, Nialler. How's livin' the dream?" I snapped.

He was to shocked even to answer, so I walked on. Apparently, they had other ideas and kept pace with me once again.

"Hop in!" Harry called. "We'll give you a ride."

I didn't want to, but if these ipods got any more wet, they could break, and the last thing I wanted to see was those kids' dejected faces.

"Fine." I grumbled.

I hopped in the limo (Yes, apparently they were cool enough to have a limo.) Surprisingly, they weren't the only ones in the car. Yes, Harry, Zayn, and Louis had girls sitting next to them. Either dates or girlfriends.

"Where to, Miss?" The driver called.

"The orphanage, straight ahead. Can't miss it."

I stared out the window, content with not talking to them, but they had other ideas.

"So, Chris." Zayn tried. "How's life been?"

I cocked my head. "Do you actually care, or are you just asking?"

He chuckled. "I see you still have your edge."

I snorted. "Seems like that's the only thing I have left these days."

We lapsed into silence.

I looked at Louis. "Thanks for the ipods." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry, what?" He grinned.

"You know what? Forget it." I snapped.

I called to the driver that this was my stop, grabbed my bag, and hopped out. "Have a nice life." I snapped, walking away. I heard footsteps behind me and saw Niall.

"What now?" I growled.

"Chris, I'm sorry." He whispered. "I really am."

I looked up at the sky and shook my head. "You just don't get it, do you, Niall?"

"What do you mean?" He sounded confused.

"That's like saying 'sorry' for sending someone back to hell!" I snapped. "You sent me back there without a second glance! Not a word! You didn't care that I was being abused! You didn't care that I was being bullied! You just didn't give a flyin' fuck! You weren't there when I needed you most! Did you care when I was staring at the window, praying that you would come back?" I paused, catching my breath. I looked him right in the eyes. "No, you didn't care. 'Cause you had your obnoxious screaming fans, your perfect life, and your perfect family to go back to." I ended my rant in a low voice. "You forgot about the girl you abandoned, so I forgot about you."

I turned on my heel and went to the spot directly below my window. I grabbed ahold of the decor and climbe up and swung myself into my room. When I turned, he was still standing there. I scoffed at him and went to find a change of clothes.

If you hadn't noticed, mine were a little wet.

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