Liam James Payne

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I rolled my eyes at the girl across from me. "Seriously, Avery? Just because you're my best fucking friend doesn't mean that I'm going out in the rain to get you a god damn candy bar."

"Pwease?" My best friend begged with her puppy eyes.


Avery was my age, but ten times prettier than I was. She had beautiful chocolate brown curls, a perfect tan, and gorgeous hazel eyes. She was girlie, could do perfect make-up, and had not one flaw on her skin. She had gotten here only a few weeks ago, but we were already best friends. She and Brendan were the only actual people in this dump I like. The rest I either despised, scared, or was scared of.

"Aw, c'mon, Chris! There's a gas station two blocks from here."

"Exactly why you should get it." I smirked.

"But if someone tried to rape me I'd be defenseless! You can take care of yourself!" She said innocently.

 I groaned. She knew I  had been raped and that I wouldn't let anybody go through the pain I did. She also knew I knew she was right. Avery really was defenseless. "Fine." I mumbled. "But you owe me."

She grinned and handed me the money and a Ziploc bag to put it in. "Hurry back!" She called while I went to go put clothes on. I had exactly three sets of clothes. Hang-around-the-hellhole-clothes, which consisted of sweats, a tank-top, and fuzzy socks. Then their were my going-out clothes, which consisted of ripped jeans, a black cut-off, and combat boots. Lastly, I had Pj's, ratty camo shorts and a gray  t-shirt. I had one hoodie, which I put on over my tank-top. I slipped on my combat boots over my fuzzy socks and jumped out my window. I made sure I had my money, inhaler, and the money and Ziploc bag Aves gave me and set off. mumbling about how all the world ever does is rain. At least, my world.

I growled when I heard thunder. Usually I loved to listen to thunder, but not when I was outside. I glanced up to see where I was.

One block left.

I heard footsteps come splashing behind me and I growled out loud enough for them to hear. "I swear to god, if that is any member of One Direction, I will kick your balls right off of you."

"Hello, Chris."

I froze at that voice and slowly turned to face Liam Payne.

"What the hell do you want?" I spat.

He didn't seem surprised at my behavior, actually, it looked like he was expecting it. "Well, I was just wondering what you were doing in the middle of a thunderstorm."

"I'm having a picnic!" I snarled. "What do you think I'm doing?"

"That's why I asked you. I didn't know. Isn't that why one asks a question?" It took everything in me not to slap that stupid smirk right off his face.

"Why don't you go back to your perfect life, Liam, and forget you ever met me!" I snapped at him, turning back around and continuing my pace.

He easily kept pace with my short legs and seemed content to walk in silence. I was extremely grateful to see the gas station loom up in my view.

I walked in, the door chiming as it opened. "Yo, Bert!" I called.

The owner of the gas station smiled warmly. "Christina. How are you, Sweetheart?"

"Pretty good. Thanks."

"What can I get for you?"

"Aves usual."

Bert laughed. "That girl's gonna turn into a candy bar if she keeps eatin' em! How many had she had you get this week?"

I thought for a moment. "This week? Six."

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