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It was a normal day. Except for the fact that my entire class was going on a school camp for the next 3 weeks. Yeah 3, away from the Internet connection... That will suck. The downsides to that is that my older sister and little sister will be joining me! Now that is a bummer. Well anyway my names Sayuri, not much I know but it means lily in Japanese so most people call me that anyway, so my 'best friend' is minori. Minori Hatake, yeah another Japanese name. So anyway. I was siting next to Minori on the bus when the local Pussys (that's literally what they call them selves) threw a paper ball at us. Trying to get out attention, Minori wanted to look back, frankly I did too but we decided not to. You guys know bullies right? Once you give them a reaction they'll never stop! Well anyway, the girl a seated beside us strikes up a conversation with Minori leaving me to my thoughts... So they were all blabbering about who knows what when the bus stopped, the driver; our principal was stood at the front of the bus

"Alright everyone move out were stretching our legs for a little bit!" The principal's name was Mr Mathews. At least that's what us students call him. Minori soon got up and left. I think she completely forgot I was even here *sigh* what the heck. She always does that. Well she is one of the most popular girls in my class I'm lucky to be her 'friend'! But hey, at least I have her. She is the my only 'friend' besides Riley. Who is now home schooled, his mom pulled him out because of the amount of bullying he was getting from the older students.. I didn't mind at the time but now I kinda do.. Being alone and having the jocks and the Pussys steal my 'friend' away from me.

"Hey? You coming?" Someone asked, my head snapped upwards almost instantly. There was a man beside my seat watching me, he had silver hair like Minori. Coal black eyes.. I think. Well he only showed one which was kinda weird, his face was half covered by this face mask thing.. He was also wearing a navy blue shirt that connected to his mask. A black jacket, some normal darkish grey tracksuit pants and a pair of fingerless gloves, I stared at him in awe, I don't know why. Maybe it was just my mind trying to process who the hell this guy was? I don't think I'll ever know. He just stared at me with an eye brow raised probably thinking 'what the hell is she doing?'

"Are you just going to stare at me?" He asked, I looked up and smiled nervously.. Fidgeting with my fingers as I did so.

"Uh yeah sorry.. I was uh in deep thought"

"Huh" he said shrugging his shoulders as he walked through the passage way down the bus, between the seats, I stared at his back embarrassed
'God it can't be him.. This is the worst!' I thought fidgeting with my fingers as I stepped off the bus.

"Kakashi!" Minori shouted, running over to the guy. I watched them quietly from beside the bus,

"You never listen to me! I thought you were supposed to listen!"

"Sorry.. Didn't catch that? What were you saying?" The guy asked completely clueless. Minori pouted at him

"nii-San! Your so! God!" Minori shouted stomping off embarrassed, but she soon went back to normal as she started talking with her friends. I sighed as I looked at him curiously. I think he noticed though cause before I knew it was looking at me with that one black eye.

"Yeah?" He asked.. I looked up at him..

"Uh... Nothing... I was just wondering what you and Minori were talking about...." I trailed off a few times, he didn't seem to mind though although it was pretty obvious that I was nervous. Hell I could feel my cheeks getting hotter by the second as he looked at me...

"Just stuff really" he answered back. "Sibling talk or something, I don't know" he stated leaning against the side of the bus. Hands in his pockets. I looked at him

"So your Minori's older brother?"

"Yeah, I am" he said smiling at me. My cheeks grew hotter..
'God I wish I could stop my mind right now!' I yelled in my head as I quickly moved next to him.. Looking down at my feet awkwardly.. 'I hate myself and my awkward moments' I thought sighing as I heard minori and her friends giggling as they all looked at me and Kakashi I think it was? Meh. Probably won't encounter him for the rest of the trip course I could be wrong but who cares as long as I don't bunk with someone that hates me I'll be alright..

"So you here with Minori?" I asked, trying to strike up a conversation since the silence was beginning to bug me... Badly.. He just seemed so chill and relaxed too.. Wish I could do that. Sadly I can't. I'm the kind of person who can't stay relaxed...

"Yeah.. Have to come anyway, Mr Mathews told me too so"


"Your Lily right?" He asked now looking at me, I blushed a little and smiled

"Yeah.. I am.. But how did you-"

"Minori Is always talking to about you. So are some of the older kids"

"How do you know that?" I asked becoming a little bit nervous, I mean what if he's a stalker?! Oh my god I can't have that! I'm only 16! As soon as I started mentally freaking out he answered me. Not the answer I was expecting though!

"I teach at your school. Haven't you ever seen me around?" my jaw dropped almost instantly.

"Y-you teach? At my school?"

"Yeah?" He said probably a little confused, I sighed regaining what ever dignity I still have..

"I haven't seen you around.."

"Well I usually don't come out of my office. Usually reading"

"You like reading?" I asked. He smiled and nodded

"Yeah I enjoy it" he stated.

"Cool..-" I was about to say something when the principal interrupted

"Everyone back on the bus! We'll be at our destination in 4 hours!" I sighed and hoped onto the bus again. Minori soon shifted spots to where the popular girls were sitting leaving me alone with my backpack at my feet, I stared out the window imagining things for my new book when I head someone sit next to me.

"Hello again" a somewhat familiar voice said. I looked to the seat beside me and smiled.

"Hi" I said smiling, he seemed happy.. That's one thing good that's came out of today, I got to sit next to someone who doesn't mind me!

"Watch out Mr Hatake! She's a porn writer!" One of the girls shouted, I blushed darkly and looked away.. He just ignored them... I think, he was already reading his own book.. Icha Icha paradise I think is what it was called. The cover didn't seem very interesting.. Well in my opinion though. I then got out my phone, opening the wattpad up and stared typing. Real fast.

"Ew! She writing porn again!" One of the girls began to laugh, Minori along with them, I then texted Riles saying
'There goes another friend Riles, hope your having a better time then me' Riley soon replied back

Riles!: sorry that I ditched half way through semester. Feeling bad for ya!

Me: yeah sure you do riles. Anyway what you doing?

Riles: playing the daily dose of minecraft of the PS3 what else? What you doing?

Me: trying to write my book, with the pussy's right behind me and THE Kakashi Hatake sitting next to me!

Riles: isn't he like in all those little books you read?

Me: yes.... He is... Which sucks cause I get so embarrassed around him!

Riles: haha sucks to be you!

Me: shut up Riles, well I gotta go, don't wanna waste my battery

Riles: aw I was hoping to talk more! Bye then, I'll see you next time you come over!

Me: yeah, look forward to it

I then switched off my phone to see Kakashi watching me
"You having fun there?" He asked I blushed and shook my head

"Nah just uh..  Just Talking to a friend"


"So uh what are you reading?" I asked, Kakashi closed his book.

"Adults only" he whispered, I blushed.. Hiding my smile with my hand
'Wow... So he does read that.. Uh adult content..' I thought mentally squealing. I don't know why. I just keep my inner fangirl hidden instead of letting it out.. I sighed putting my phone away and looking out the window again, bored

"This is boring" I whispered to myself. No one heard though.. Course I mean it was a bus full of teenagers!

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