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A/N: That outfit in the picture is yours.

His voice never sounded so cold as he walked up to you and pushed you into a corner. "Oh is little Bitch-chan getting nervous?" Laito teased as you began to feel panicky, you had a thing against tight spaces. "Laito, please just let me out." You begged Laito looked at the terrified expression on your face before blushing and sighing. "Oh bitch-chan you seem so intent on getting me all hot and bothered tonight. Don't worry I'll make sure you get what you want." Laito said turning back towards you, but his eyes were closed. You, in your panicked state, kicked him in the balls and ran away. You scurried out of the room hearing Laito groan and roll on the ground. "Well at least I got out." You mumbled walking downstairs to the garden, needing some open air. "(Y/n) where do you think you're going?" Reiji asked not looking up from his work. "Just going for a walk in the garden, I'll be back at some point." You said slipping on a coat seeing as it was windy and fall. "Just be back in time for dinner." Reiji said you nodded. "Alright." You said slipping on boots and walking outside.

You sighed breathing in the fall air, the roses weren't blooming any more, but there was the fall leaves that were in the moonlight. "Oh look pretty." You said not caring that you sounded like a one year old.  "Well look at me I is the smart." You joked to yourself laughing at your own joke. You continued to walk around the garden just looking around before lying down on a bench and looking up at the sky. "(Y/n) I'm thirsty." You heard Kanato whine, you raised your head to see him standing there with Teddy in his arms. Kanato was generally nice to you so you didn't bother trying to fight him over your blood. "Ok." You mumbled undoing your jacket and tilting your head to the left. Kanato came closer to you and moved your black shirt down to get more access to your right side. You felt his breath on your shoulder before the pain began, you grabbed on to his shoulders trying to keep up right as he emptied you of your blood. "Kanato, too much." You mumbled as your world spun around. You felt Kanato detach and lay you back down, you sighed as your world because stable again. "Just lay down for the next... 15 minutes, then you can get up again alright. Teddy and I will be watching from afar so don't short your time!" Kanato stressed before teleporting away.

You sighed taking deep breaths trying to keep your world still. "Hey there Bitch-chan, miss me?" Laito asked walking up to you. "Not in the slightest." You hissed, you weren't in the mood for his crap right now. "Laito I'm not feeling good so just leave right now." You said as he got closer to you. "Oh but Bitch-chan the thought of you being able to fight back is too appealing, let's go to my room for now, hm?" He said grabbing my arm and in a flash I was in Laito's bedroom standing up. Your world began to spin terribly as you crashed onto Laito's bed, you feet dangling off the side. "Ready to give me some of your delicious blood Bitch-chan?" Laito questioned laying next to you on your right side. Laito moved aside your jacket and shirt and bit into you. "NO!" You mumbled as you lost consciousness. 

Laito's POV
I looked down at the sleeping (A/n) smiling before taking off her jacket and chucking it to the side. I went to my closet and pulled out a shirt of mine and changed her quickly. I tucked her into my bed.

She is so afraid of me, but I like her. 

I heard Reiji call everyone down for dinner, I sighed gave her a soft peck on the lips. "Bye, bye, (A/n)." I said putting my hand on the side of her face. "Bye Laito." She mumbled leaning onto my hand. Oh yeah this was only a matter of time.

3rd POV
(Y/n) woke up looking around in confusion. "Where...Laito's room? And his," she pulled it up to her face to smell the shirt, "shirt...WAIT HE CHANGED ME!" (Y/n) blushed and laid back down seeing as the sun was outside Reiji would be furious if he found that you were up and moving. "Morning Bitch-chan." Laito said suddenly appearing on the bed next to her. "Hey I'm pretty thirsty right now." Laito said snaking his hand up her thigh. Latio slid under the sheets grasping (Y/n)'s thing and biting down into it. (Y/n) gasped and gripped the pillow, "Ow, Dammit Laito!" (Y/n) hissed lifting the blanket and glaring down at the vampire with a glare. Laito was smirking and he took his fangs out of her. "Oh did it hurt Bitch-chan? Let me make it better." He said giving kisses all up her thigh. "Lai-to stop." (Y/n) begged her breath hitching. "Oh but your body says something completely different Bitch-chan." Laito said crawling up and putting his hands on either side of her head. "Laito STOP!" (Y/n) yelled pushing Laito to the side. "Why are you so afraid Bitch-chan?" Laito asked resting his head on his hand.

Your POV
"I hate tight spaces." You mumbled sitting up and facing away form him. "Come again." He teased you frowned. "Shut up I know you heard me, baka." You said turning around and finding him inches away from your face. He surged forward and planted a kiss on your lips. Your eyes widened as you fell back with his guidance. He laid to your side as he separated the kiss. He wrapped you in a hug, you felt your need to run instinct begin. "Calm down, we try small steps ok. This will work eventually ok?" He said you nodded and tentatively rested your head on his chest falling asleep.

Word Count: 996

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