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TRIGGER WARNING: Themes of rape, suicide, and self-harm.  

The rest of the Mukami's had left for the week to go an errand for Karlhienz, but Yuma volunteered to stay back with you, he argued that it was too dangerous to take you where the errand was and they were all unwilling to leave you alone for an entire week. So Yuma got his way and stayed back with you.

Day One

"Sow get over here!" You heard Yuma yell from the kitchen. You groaned and got up off of your bed, trying your best to crack your ever-painful back. "What do you want Yuma!" You yelled walking down the stairs. "I want your help with dinner, here we're eating pasta tonight so out some water on." He said as you walked in the door, a pot being thrusted into your arms pushing you back slightly and forcing the air out of your lungs. "On it." You groaned walking over to the sink and filling up the pot. Heaving it over to the stove on the other side of the room, Yuma keeping an eye on you as you did it. You flicked on the water to high and moved so you boosted yourself up onto the counter. "What do you think you're doing Sow?" Yuma asked closing the space between you two. "I'm sitting on a counter waiting for that water to boil." You replied unbothered by the decrease in space between you and Yuma. "Well maybe I should get you down, you know Sow, for sanitary reasons." Yuma chucked putting his arms on either side of you. "Since when did you care about that farm boy?" You teased wrapping your arms around his neck. "Since you looked like such a hard worker." He said resting his head on your chest listening to your heart beat. You smiled before resting your head on top of his. You heard the water boil, you kissed his head before peeling away from him. "I need to mess with the food." You said Yuma groaned, but picked you up and set you in front of the stove. You had a slight smile on your face as Yuma walked back to his work area.

Within 20 minutes dinner for the two of you was ready. You both took out your plate and drink to sit at the dining table. You both had light conversation, you took the plates to the kitchen leaving them there for Yuma to wash, it was his turn anyway. "Sow let's go to bed, I'm tired." Yuma said grabbing you and tossing you over his shoulder. You groaned as it only made your back feel worse. You went limp as Yuma walked into your room. Yuma put you on your feet and went to take off some of his clothes. You walked over to your dresser and pulled out a baggy shirt, after taking off you clothes you put the baggy shirt on and crawled onto the bed. Yuma lay next to you turning to look at you. "What's wrong Sow? You've been groaning all day." Yuma said placing a hand on you back. "My back had been feeling like a crushed soda can all day." You groaned Yuma smirked at you before sitting up. He pulled you up and situated you in between his legs. "Let's see if I can help you with that Sow." Yuma chuckled letting his hands go to work. As he moved on you back you let out a low hum closing your eyes. "Feeling sleepy (Y/n)?" Yuma teased you nodded Yuma let out a low chuckle as he laid you down and held you in his arms. "Then go to bed." Yuma whispered petting your soft (h/c) hair. "Night, night." You mumbled wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling into his chest. "Night." Yuma hummed closing his eyes and falling asleep with you.

Day Two

You opened your eyes to find Yuma smirking at you. "Morning." You said shifting to plant a light kiss on his lips. "Morning, I'm really thirsty. Haven't had any for two days now. I would've bit you before you went to bed, but you looked so sweet, like sugar." He said you nodded and went to move the shirt collar before he ripped off your shirt. He licked his lips as he moved to your collarbone, he put a hand on your hip and another on your shoulder as he bit you softly. You groaned as you put your arms around his shoulders. You felt him pull his fangs out and lick his two puncture wounds. "Sweet as ever (Y/n)." He said resting his head on your chest. You blushed slightly as he nestled into you bra-ed boobs. "Come on we have school today." You said pushing him off and crawling off your bed. You pulled out your uniform, you had plans for this chilly day.

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