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(F/IC): Favorite Ice Cream

You smiled looking over at Subaru. He was sitting on the couch looking at you grumpily, "(Y/n) what are you planning on doing?" He asked you smiled at him before you got up and went to your shared dresser. You ignored him as you bent down grabbing out your swimsuit and digging around for his trunks. "Subaru do you own a swimsuit?" You called out digging deeper. "Yeah, here." He said coming behind you and picking it out from under your hands. They were just simple black trunks with cargo pants like pockets. "Great, come on were going to the beach!" You said with a smile. Subaru looked at you. "We're doing what?" He said a blush going on his cheeks. "We are going to the beach." You stated simply giving him a smile. He looked at you before blushing and turning away from you. "Tsk, whatever." He mumbled crossing his arms; you stood up and gave him a hug. "Oh don't be like that; you know you want to go." You teased him poking his cheek, smile growing as the blush deepened. "Shut up." He said burying his head into our shoulder. "I'll pack food." He mumbled you kissed the side of his head. "Alright, I'll finish up with swimsuits and towels. Meet me at my car in 10?" You said still not letting him go he nodded. "Yeah." He said letting go of you and planting a kiss on your forehead before walking away hiding his face from you. "He a cinnabun." You said smiling and looking at his retreating form before packing some towels into a bag. You tossed the swimsuits on top of it and ran out to the car. Subaru was sitting in the passenger seat, the car being started already.

You hopped in tossing the bag in the back. "Ready?" You asked he nodded. You smiled grabbing his slightly outstretched hand, you saw him hide a smile from you as he turned to look out the window. You smiled as you drove to the beach you pulled to a stop seeing that there were only two people on the beach and they seemed to be packing up. "So do you want to change in the car or wait till there people leave and just change on the beach?" You asked him he looked at you. "In the car." He said reaching for the bag chucking your swimsuit towards you. "Here change." He said reaching for his you smirked and worked on taking off your shirt after that you done you leaned forward to take off your bra, and slipped on the bikini top. "Subaru I need your help to tie this thing." You asked turning around to find him gawking at your back. "Not the first time you've seen me like this Subaru." You teased causing him to blush and move his hands to work on your bikini. After fiddling with your strings he tapped your back to let you know that he was done. As he worked on his jeans you worked on your pants taking them off then slipping off your underwear and slipping the bikini bottom on and turning to see that Subaru was done. "Ready?" You asked he nodded grabbing two towels and you reached for the food.

You ran on to the sand. The moon lighting up the sand and making it cool under your feet. "Slow down you're going to fall (Y/n)." Subaru called walking behind you. "But it's funnNN-AH!" You yelled falling onto the sand. "(Y/N)!" He ran over to you, you opened your eyes to find that you had gotten the wind knocked out of you. You tried taking some breaths Subaru lifted you up with one arm, slinging you over his shoulder. "Told you not to run baka." He huffed you rolled your eyes as you tried to focus on breathing again. He set you down on the sand. He took a towel and laid it out on the sand. "Feeling better baka?" Subaru asked lying beside you, resting his head on your lap. You nodded still focusing on your breathing. "After your breathing is better wanna swim?" Subaru asked you nodded breathing getting better and deeper. After another minute you were ready get up and swim. "Let's go, I heard that the ocean is warmer at night." You said as Subaru moved his head out of your lap and you got up. Subaru got up with you grabbing your hand you walked up to the ocean. You were about to jump into the water when Subaru grabbed you. "Wait! (Y/n) look." He said pointing at the ocean you looked and saw jellyfish. "Oh god, they look so cool!" You said crouching to look at them better. "Although I guess this means that the ocean was a bust today." You said standing up beside him. He smirked before pulling you to his chest. "Well not if you think about it. It got us out of the house, away from my brothers for a night, and us alone." He said sitting down on the sand and pulling you down to sit on his crossed legs. He wrapped his arms around you waist, you laid against his chest and looked at the moonlight on the ocean waves. Subaru rested his head on yours closing his eyes.

"This is nice. It's so quiet." Subaru mumbled nuzzling into your hair. "Come on let's get you some food." Subaru said standing up; somehow you ended up bridal style in his arms. He walked over to the towels and sat down keeping you on his lap as he pulled out the food that he packed. "Uh, Subaru what is this?" You asked looking at the "food" he packed. "What that's food!" He yelled as you giggled. It was literally uncooked burger meat. "Subaru you have to cook this, you can just take red meat and not cook it. But thanks for playing the game. And, OH GOD," You chucked the food, "Subaru it smells spoiled!" You yelled putting your face in the crook of his neck to get rid of the smell of the rancid meat. "Well how was I supposed to know, Reiji or one of the servants always make food!" He yelled you rolled our eyes at his anger. "Hey I said it was ok alright, I'm not upset or mad. I just find it funny." You said standing up and packing up everything. "Come on let's go get ice cream instead." You said holding out your hand towards him. He smirked you grabbed it. "You always know how to calm me down." He mumbled pulling you into a hug. "Alright let's go. Go ahead to the car, I'll grab the bags." He said releasing you, you nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before running to the car. "She never learns about running." Subaru mumbled looking at your shrinking form.

You ran to the car rubbing off and sand that might've stuck on to you. After checking for that you hopped in the car and stating it. You saw Subaru come from the side and toss the bags in the back. He then walked to the passenger side and hopped in. You pulled out and drove to a 24 hour ice cream shop that was only 5 minutes away. "(Y/n) you're not going to walk in like that, are you?" He asked you looked down; you were still in your bikini. "So what if I am. You jelly?" You smirked at him. "No, just...just, I don't want other people seeing you like that." He said you smiled. "Don't worry; I was going to steal your jacket. I don't want random pervs looking at me either." You said with a smirk gesturing to Subaru's pile of clothes in the back. He reached back for it as you pulled into a parking space. "Here, put it on." He said chucking it at you. You put it on and got out of the car. His jacket went over your hands, causing you to roll them up, it also covered you butt as well. You walked up and ordered two scoops of (F/IC) and vanilla. You walked over to Subaru handing him his vanilla. You both ate your ice cream looking at the cars passing by. After finishing you drove back home. Leaving the bags in the car to be dealt with later.

Subaru led you to your room. You crashed onto the bed, "I haven't even done anything, but I'm tired." You whined into your pillow. You felt the bed sag next to you. "Well then go to sleep, I'll be right here." He said pulling you to his chest. You smiled knowing that he was trying to hide his blush. "Sounds good, Subaru. Night." You said grabbing his hand and pulling it over you, lacing your fingers with his. "Night." Subaru said you smiled and closed your eyes falling to sleep quickly.

Word Count: 1495

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