Shu - Snuggling

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You put your pencil down after finally finishing your essay on the dangers posed of narcissism. You flopped back on to your bed, wacking your head on the headboard in the process. "Ahh, shit." You mumbled holding the back of your head. After wallowing in pain for a bit you got up and went to your dresser to put on some pajamas. You grabbed out a black spandex shorts and a shirt that; was cut open halfway up, it also showed some of your stomach from the way it was cut, it was a very low scoop neck, it was a bit translucent to show your bra, and finally it had a pair of headphones on it and it said 'I can't hear you' on it. You didn't tell anyone you were going to bed, you were just so done with all the bullshit of the day. You hopped into bed, pulled the covers up, put in your earbuds, and closed your eyes falling asleep in minutes.


I was hungry, so I walked over to (Y/n)'s room to get some food. She should still be up it was only 3:00 AM. But the closer I got to her the more I heard her light snore. It wasn't even a snore really more like how she whistles when she sleeps. Then when I reached her room there she was sleeping, she left all her homework out, all the lights on, and she was even listening to music. I smiled slightly a the view, she looked like me for a moment sleeping with earbuds in. I walked over to her and laid down resting my head on her chest. She stirred and looked down before smiling and wrapping an arm around me and lifting her hips so I could wrap an arm around her. I closed my eyes and slept with her.

Hours later
Your POV

You opened up your eyes and was greeted with sunlight. You groaned and flung a pellow over your face. You felt a squeeze at your hips. You looked down and saw Shu sleeping with you. You smiled but you had to get up and go to the bathroom. You tried to wiggle out, but Shu's grip tightened around your waist. "Noisy woman." He muttered pulling you down. "Shu I need to go to the bathroom." You said still trying to get out. "Go." He said letting you go for once. Usually you had to do something before he would agree. "But come right back (Y/n)." He said, there it is.

You went to the bathroom and went pee. After washing your hands you came back to the room to find that Shu wasn't there. "Shu? Where'd you go?" You mumbled to yourself. You walked to the window standing on the balcony in the sun for the first time in a while. You had forgotten how warm the sun felt on your skin. You felt a big hand grab yours and pull you into the dark room again. "Foolish girl walking into the sun, maybe biting you would teach you your place?" He asked biting you, he sucked you until your legs began to give out. He wrapped an arm around you to support you as he sucked on your neck. He pulled his fangs out and you rested your head on his chest. "(Y/n) lets go back to sleep." He said picking you up and laying you on the bed. He laid next to you and placed an earbud of his in your ear and some classical music played.

"Night Shu."
"Night (Y/n)"

Word count: 605

December 6, 2016

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