Ayato's Birthday

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You woke up to arms over your shoulder and patch of red hair resting on your chest. "Ayato, you're doing it again." You mumbled to him shaking him. "Ugh, stop." Ayato mumbled tightening his grip on your shoulders. "Chichinashi, it's my birthday. Got make Ore-sama some takoyaki." Ayato mumbled letting you go and rolling over. "Yeah yeah whatever." You mumbled getting out of bed and throwing some pants on. It was still light outside so no one would be up. You walked into the kitchen and pulled out what you needed. You also pulled out the recipe that you kept stashed on your person. For as many times as you made this recipe you couldn't memorize it. You began to put the ingredients together, and after 45 minutes, because you messed up stuff on the first batch, you had completed a plate of takoyaki. You put it on a plate and left you dishes in the sink and walked up to Ayato's room. You opened the door to find him still on the bed, in the exact position you left him in. You placed it the takoyaki on a table in the room. "Ayato, get up." You said walking back to your side of the bed. Ayato perked up ad ran to go eat the food. Ayato ate the whole plate and came back over to you. "Chichinashi, roll over." Ayato said nudging you. You were currently trying to go back to bed on your stomach. "Just lay on my back." You mumbled into the Pellow. You were exhausted; Ayato had been making you do takoyaki runs, at least two a night, for the past two weeks. "Well I want to sleep on you boobs." He said your eyes began to get heavier. "And I actually want to get sleep." You whispered drifting off to sleep.

You woke up to two things, one Ayato was gone, two there was a note on the bed. "(Y/n), get dressed and meet me down stairs. – Ore-sama" You rolled your eyes and did as the note said. You threw on black jeans and a plain sliver long sleeved shirt. You ran down the staircase to find that Ayato was waiting down there. "Oh good. Put on some sneakers, were playing sports today." Ayato said disappearing in the blink of an eye. "Shit." You mumbled throwing on your sneakers and running out to the waiting limo. Of course he wanted to play sports; you also knew that he would beat you in anything. 

You sat in the limo with Ayato silently. After a while the driver pulled up to a sports park. Ayato grabbed you excitedly and said, "Let's go play basketball." You didn't really like sports in general, but basketball was the worst. You groaned as Ayato shoved a ball in your hands. "Free throws first." He said you nodded and practiced throwing. After getting 1 shot out of 17, Ayato decided he wanted to play a one v. one game. After being trampled in that sport he wanted you to pick a sport. "Uh, tennis." You quickly said, it was a game less focused on brute strength. That and you played it at your old school. "Tennis? Whatever chichinashi, I'll still beat you." Ayato said with confidence taking the ball you were playing with and grabbing out two rackets and a can of balls instead. You walked out to the courts grabbing the racket that was tossed at you. "Birthday boy goes first." You said standing on your side. "Alright prepare to be crushed!" He said with a yell.

Within 20 minutes you were beating him. You both agreed to play to 13. Ayato was having problems controlling how hard he hit the ball and placing the ball where he wanted it. This was the last one. If you won this match there was no way for him to win. "30-all, first serve." You said hitting a good serve, Ayato returned it, but it slammed into his net. His face turned dark as he knew that this meant you won. You beat Ore-sama. "AHHH!" Ayato yelled picking up the ball and throwing it blindly. Were you celebrating and you didn't see the ball. It slammed you in the stomach; it was thrown with supernatural speed. "Huh? Oh! (Y/n)!" Ayato yelled running over to the curled up into a ball you. "Uh I'm sorry. I didn't look where I was-" Ayato began you smiled cutting him off. "Don't be sad over me it's you birthday. I maybe down the count, but go squash those guys over there at a sport you're good at, basketball." You said moving to stand up, but Ayato grabbed you and held you in his arm. "That's ok, let's go home. You can pay for getting hurt by offering you blood." He said as he walked back to waiting limo. He set me inside before climbing in himself. 

"Lift up your shirt." He commanded you lifted up your shirt and saw the bruise that had formed in the ten minutes between getting hit and getting in the limo. The bruise was the size of a big fist and growing. The color was a deep purple in the center, but spreading out as time went on. Ayato stuck his hand out and began pressing gently on the bruise and the area around it. Tear began to well in your eyes as he pressed on the bruise. He reached a hand on behind you to press on your abdomen from the back. "I just want some blood, takoyaki, and to sleep." Ayato said you nodded and rested your head on his shoulder. He blushed but wrapped his arm around your waist to bring you on to his lap.

 "We're here." Ayato said teleporting you two to his room. You smiled and stood up and walked to Ayato's drawer and grabbed one of his shirts. You peeled off your pants and shirt leaving you in your underwear and bra putting on Ayato's shirt. You buttoned two buttons before walking to his bed and crashing. Ayato chuckled taking off everything but his boxers and crashing with you on the bed. "The blood and takoyaki can wait I guess. Cuddling me and sleeping will have to do." Ayato said grabbing you firmly by the waist and pulling you so you were chest to chest with him. You snaked your arms around his chest in a hug. "Happy birthday Ayato." You said giving him a kiss. He smirked against your lips. "Yes happy birthday to me." He said gesturing to you boobs. "Perv, go to sleep." You mumbled closing your eyes and falling asleep.      

Word Count: 1108

(A/n): HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Heh sports...sorry if this isn't really birthday eccentric. I had no idea for Ayato as to what he would want on his birthday besides playing with boobs all day.

(March 22, 2016)

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