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You were in the kitchen try to figure out how to make tea for you and Shu. After watching you suck at making tea for a while Reiji came over with two cups of tea that was already made up. "Here so you stop wasting the the good tea (Y/n)." Reiji said handing you the tray. You took it, but not before giving him a strange look. "Ok....thanks Reiji." You said walking away from him slowly. You walked back to the dinning room where Shu had made his home. "Shu, Shu~ wake up I have tea." You said shaking him gently. He cracked open his eyes to look at you and then the tea. He lazily reached his arm out to grab some tea, taking a cup he took a sip of it. Calmly putting it back on the tray. You smiled before you grabbed a cup of tea and took a couple of sips, before deciding that the tea was too bitter for your liking. You got up and put the tray in the kitchen, and worked on cleaning the cups.

Before too long you heard a cry, a baby's cry. You put the cup down and dried your hands. You walked towards the baby's cry tracking it to the dining room. You walked over to the seat where Shu was lying just a minute ago. In his spot there was a baby. "Uhh, Shu?" You said walking over to the baby. The baby was in a pile of Shu's clothes. "Shu?" You said picking up the baby, which caused him to stop crying. He looked at you with big blue eyes that had to be Shu's. "(Y/n) you are in charge of Shu's wellbeing until the potion wears off." Reiji said disappearing before you had a chance to argue with him. "Well Shu looks like it's you and me." You said holding Shu close to your body. You noticed that Shu was somehow wearing a blue onesie. "Let's go to my room ok?" You said getting a better hold on him and walking up to your room with him in arm. His head was resting against your shoulder, his tiny fist was gripping onto your shirt.

You walked into your bedroom smiling at Shu as you walked over to your bed. "I'm gonna have to put you down for a minute snuggly, gotta get changed into something more comfy." You said putting him down on the bed propping him up on a pillow. Right after you put him down he began to get fussy and started to whine. You ran over and picked him back up. "No, no, don't cry Shu. I'll be right back. I promise." You said giving him a kiss on his forehead before setting him back down on the pillow. You ran to your dresser, trying to ignore Shu's whimpers for now, and changed into sweatpants, a sweatshirt, and a cami. You walked back over to Shu he looked at you with big eyes and reached his arms out sloppily for you. "I know, I'm back." You said picking him up.

After a moment Shu began crying again. "Well did you go potty?" You said out loud lifting him to smell the diaper. "Ok not that. Are you thirsty?" You asked he looked up at you when you said that. "Oh you I don't think you can bite me." You said out loud finding a scissor on your bedside table. "Here." You said taking putting him down on your lap. You took the scissor and took a deep breath as you slashed your pointer finger on the side. After making sure that you were leaking blood you smiled and popped it in his mouth. He squealed as he grabbed onto your hand you felt him suck on your finger. "Well that has you happy now." You said picking him up, still keeping your finger in his mouth. You leaned back on the headboard and cradled him to your chest. "Having you right now almost makes me want kids." You said as his grip on your hand loosened. "Someone's ready for a nap." You smiled grabbing a book and getting comfortable on the bed and making sure that Shu was as well. "I'll be here when you wake up Shu." You said with a smile. Shu fell asleep quickly, you smiled and turned to your book. After reading for a while it go really late and the sun began to rise. You put the book down and closed your eyes. "Night Shu." You said making sure he was safe as you laid down.



I opened my eyes to see (Y/n) under me. I looked down and saw myself naked, with a smirk I hugged (Y/n) closer to me, and smirked when she nuzzled closer to me. "Such a lewd woman." I mumbled causing her to open her eyes. "Shu! You're back! And naked...ugh Shu!" She whined squirming under me and blushing. "What too much for you?" I teased her softly she frowned before pushing me off. "Whatever, by the way you were a really cute baby." She said I raised my eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I asked she leaned herself up. "Shu you turned into a baby for half the day and I took care of you." She said climbing under the covers. " Oh Reiji. I'll get him back tomorrow." I said after a moment of figuring out how would've done something like that. "Well how was I as a baby?" I asked climbing under the covers with her and propping myself up on my elbow. "You wanted to be held constantly and cried if I put you down on my bed. You started to cry because you were hungry so I slashed my finger and gave it to you to suck on." She mumbled nuzzling to my chest, still tired I suppose.


"Well would you want a kid?" Shu asked you hummed before you nodded. "Yeah, at some point. Why the sudden baby question?" You asked cracking open an eye to look at him. He was smirking down at you. "What if I told you that you were pregnant (Y/n)." Shu said you bolted up. "I'd call you a liar, I'm not pregnant Shu." You said sitting up. "You are, you smell like a mom right now." Shu said you looked at him before wrapping him into a big hug. "Oh my god,Shu!" You said becoming very excited very quick. "Now with that news out of the way, let's go back to bed." He said you nodded with a smile as he pulled you to his chest. You smiled as you laid down with Shu. He gave s kiss to the top of your head, as you both closed you eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Word Count: 1,150

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