Kanato - Sleep

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You rolled over for what felt like the fiftieth time on your bed. You closed your eyes and faced the window before finally giving up on sleep for the day. You got up out of bed and walked over to the window, it wasn't very pretty today It was overcast in such a way that the sky looked like a grey void. You stared at that as well. You were afraid to make a noise should any of the house residents hear you. You liked Kanato the best out of anyone in the house, he was an insomniac like you.

You walked over to your desk, pulled out a piece of paper, and began sketching a songbird. That's what Kanato told you his mother called him when he was younger. When you were almost finished you heard your door open. You didn't want to find out who it was so you didn't turn around. If it's Reji you're gonna be scolded, Shu he'll sleep and eat, Ayato pay with your boobs and eat, Laito sex and eat, Subaru....he wouldn't enter without knocking, and Kanato he'd probably just would've come for a midnight snack.

Finally you felt a presence behind you, it wasn't like the vampires normally were strong and powerful, this person felt weak and sleepy, but the person smelled like Kanato, like candy. You finally turned around and saw a sleepy watery eyed Kanato. "(Y/n) I had a nightmare. I want you to cuddle with me." Kanato said clutching Teddy closer. You knew you couldn't say no so you nodded. "Alright Kanato." You said getting up to follow him. Kanato walked to your bed and placed Teddy on the nightstand before he hopped under the covers. "(Y/n) come on." He whined You hid a smile You thought it was cute, normally under normal circumstances he would never even think about whining with such a voice.

You walked over to your bed and hopped under the covers. After you were settled and facing him Kanato wrapped his arms around your shoulders resting his head on your chest. You blushed but were happy he couldn't see from his position. You began to run your fingers through his hair absentmindedly. "What was your dream about?" You ask breaking the silence. "It's nothing." He said his eyes closed. "If it was nothing you wouldn't have come to me at...3:15 in the day." You responded with a smirk, he sighed. "Fine. If you tell anyone I'll choke you and make you a doll." He said You nodded, "I had a dream where one of my brothers drank you dry and I found you dead. I-I was scared and then you sat up and began yelling at me telling me it was my fault you died." He said sniffling and burying himself into your chest. You smiled at him and gave him a hug, "It's ok Kanato I'm right here." You said sitting up him and leaning against the headboard. He looked up from your chest and moved up towards your neck. He kissed it before biting into it gently; you bit back a gasp at the feeling. After a bit You felt yourself begin to pass out after a bit. "Ah Kanato stop, I'm gonna pass out." You mumbled slowly, Kanato chuckled at your pathetic attempt at talking. "Hush." He said as your eyelids became too heavy to keep open. "I'll be here." He said as you lost concousniness.


You opened your eyes to be greeted with a Teddy on your nightstand. You blinked as you tried to remember last night. You looked around for Kanato and saw that your stuff was gone. You bolted upright only to flop down after feeling sick. "He drank too much." You mumbled throwing your arm over your eyes.

After the world was done spinning and your head wasn't pounding as hard you looked around without sitting up. You were definitely in your room, but none of your stuff was here. You heard a door opening and moved your head accordingly. You smiled slightly when you recognized the purple hair of Kanato. "Night." You said absently mindly hugging a pellow that was in your arms, Kanato didn't say anything back he just walked over and ripped the pellow out of your grip. "Hey! What's the big idea!" You yelled back sitting up, you instantly regretted the decision and flopped back down curling into a ball. "Heh, baka." Kanato said crawling into bed and wrapping his arms around you. You groaned at the pain you were feeling. Kanato frowned and went ahead and scooped you up and carried you out of your room. "Ow, Kanato." You mumbled not wanting to continue what he was doing. "You left Teddy." You added in afterthought. He let out a yell and ran back. You felt Teddy be thrusted into your arms and Kanato position your arms so that you were holding him close.

After this Kanato began walking, luckily for you your head was beginning to feel better. Walking back around the mansion you noticed that you were walking to Kanato's room. "Kanato where's my stuff, it wasn't in my room." You asked him he looked down at you for a moment. "You'll be sleeping with me from now on. So obviously your things will be in my room baka." Kanato said you raised your eyebrows, Kanato moved all your shit, just so he could have a sleeping buddy. "Did you move my stuff so you wouldn't have to be alone?" You asked Kanato huffed but nodded a little bit. You blushed slightly, but eventually smiled and hugged him around his neck. In return Kanato pulled you closer to him.

Eventually you got to Kanato's room, or you guess it's your room too. Kanato opens the door and sets you on the bed. After that Kanato took Teddy out of your arms and set him up on the nightstand. After doing that, Kanato came over to your side on the bed and cuddled you. You giggled and petted his soft purple hair. "Go back to sleep, you don't have enough blood to drink." Kanato mumbled burying himself in your chest. You smiled, "Alight Kanato." You mumbled back closing your eyes and slowly falling back asleep.

Word Count: 1051

October 10, 2016

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