We're back

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Well here I go and sorry about the lack of updates ever since school started ive been really busy and just flat out exausted with remembering scripts and ions and trying not to completely fail at math..... *sighs* BUT I'm gonna post this chapter tonight!

You sigh its been a hard month ever since garnet has agreed to train you. Honestly you've seen her in battle and are a bit jealous of how well she can move and dodge. You look behind you to see Peridot in her mechanic arms and legs then smile pulling her close "hey love" you say lightly kissing her lips.

Peridot lets out a light blush and smiles "hey sexy" her lips form into a smirk "how's the training going?" You blush lightly "pretty good I think Garnets training will be pretty helpful when it comes to sword combat."

Peridot smiles "good I worry for you since you seem to get hurt ALOT!" She pulls you close in a protective and joking way, you let out a blush and look at her. "I... dont know what will happen if you die.... weather or not you would regenerate... I dont ever wanna lose you...."

You look into her eyes "I will never leave you... I'll always be with you.... alive or not..." you say holding her close as she burys her face into your chest.

You both stand there in each others embrace for a while until both of you no long wish to discuss the problem. "Lets... go back into the temple" you says remembering you two were close to the ocean. Peridot giggles "your shoes are soaked now" you rolls your eyes and suddenly tackle her into the water getting in a splash fight.

Peridot laughs loudly having fun and you are just glad you got the possibility of your death off her mind.

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