Chapter 1

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Hey guys , my name is Mary Jane. Ok ok that's not really my name but I shall say it is for now. Anyways this is my first time writing a real story, I hope you enjoy it :) And I haven't edited it yet so I'm sorry
Oh and by the way I don't own any of the pictures that I use.
~*~~^~*~~^~*~~^~*~~^~*~~^~* **Selena's point of view**

It was the last night of my 10th grade school year....
**beep beep** my phone went off , I sat up from watching tv. It was a group text with all my friends including this one guy Justin who I kinda had a crush on but I knew I had no chances so I didn't look to much in it the good thing was that we actually ended up becoming good friends

They were all talking about how amazing this year was. I started to think about it , I was put into classes full people I didn't know , it was crazy to think of how many friends I made , I knew it would be something I would always remember.

"Hey, I know right , I'm going to miss you guys so much" I replied

I set my phone down because my father walked into my room, he started to look around my room suspiciously

**Beep beep** My phone went off again right when I was just about to get it my father started to ask me weird questions .
Who you texting ? He asked me with no emotion.

"Just my friends , why are you acting like that? "I started to laugh

"Shouldn't you be studying " he asked with a little less tension

"School ended today " I stared at him with a blank face.

"Oh , alright well don't be talking to any boys" he looked at very seriously

"I won't " , I promised with my fingers crossed behind my back.I loved my father so much but he needs to let me grow up. Ughh

After he left I went back to my phone I was shocked confused and weirded out . Justin texted me "Heyyy"????
Umm , why was he texting me. I hate this ! He has my heart pounding! Relax Selena he's your friend duhh
Hey I replied back
Within 30 seconds he responded back. Damn this boy must want me aye aye aye I started dancing foolishly in my room and then I saw myself in my mirror, hahaha nope he don't want this face , I started laughing at myself
"You looked beautiful today 😍" he said
All I wanted to say was "'fuck off you ain't gunna be messing with MY FEELINGS!😂😅"

I knew Justin more than he thought. He was one of the "popular" people at our school. I was surprised he was even my friend. He could have any girl he wanted in less than 10 seconds. The only thing I hated about him was the way he made me feel. There would be these moments where he flirts with me and I can't help but get red. He was indeed a natural flirt.

But I just replied with " liar! I nearly wore any makeup, lmao but thank you :)"

•Note I said " lmao " as in laugh my ass off, not " lmfao" laughing my fat ass off" because i know for damn sure that this thing behind my waist isn't very big•

After endlessly replying to the group chat , I went back to my other messages to see if Justin had replied. Ughhhh he did. I mean I'm ok with the idea of having a boyfriend but I hate texting and I don't like the feeling of when they get to close .I opened his message it said

"You don't need make up your naturally beautiful "

"Awe thanks " I replied hesitantly

"Did you see what I put on the back of your shirt?"

"One sec let me check :)"

"Don't take too long;)"

"How did you put that there? And awe"

I started to think back of the beginning of the day I remember us both out on the football field I was hanging out with friends and I felt something touch my ass. I turned around confused because my phone Wasn't in my back pocket any more and I saw Justin a couple yards away with my phone in his hand he was laughing at me.

" you should have seen your face!"

He ended up giving me my phone back, we talked and walked around the field 2 or 3 times , it was special to me even though I knew that he would never like me. We talked about the things we do to annoy each other and we ended up reminding each other of good memories. I was going to miss him. All of a sudden he said that there was grass on the back of my shirt, I guess it was because I was laying on the field at first. He told me he was taking it out but instead He wrote his name and a heart over it. I feel like a idiot how did I not notice

"Your too much I replied"

"Hahaha so are you going to Taylor's pool party?"

"I'm not sure are you?"

"Only if you are ;)"

"I'll ask my mom and I'll let you know :)"

"I hope you do cum"

"Very funny asshole-.-"

"Oh cum;) on that was funny "

"Shut up😂"

I hated texting him like leave me the fuck alone, yes I like you but I have no shot so why are you trying to get me hyped and to start imaging things like us going to the movies or having dinner together. I hated him and the feeling he was giving me . I had fuckin butterflies in my stomach!

It was already 10 O'clock at night and this asshole was still trying to text me , I got the idea of us being a thing out my head and focused on that we were friends , not just friends but best friends. I got bored of texting him and I guess he didn't because even if I replied with the laughing face emoji he would bring up something to talk about.
I finally texted him good night

"Why are you going to sleep so early ?"

"Because tomorrow I'm going to work with my mom and I need to be focused and not tired"

"Oh well text me when you wake up beautiful"

"K goodnight:)"

Why does he keep calling me beautiful? Like dude stop already you have me excited;( anyways finally I was able to watch my Netflix with out being interrupted. I wasn't really going to work with my mom I just hated the butterflies he gave me.
Hey I hoped you like it^•^
Please don't be cruel, it's the first time I have done something like this, but let me know what I did wrong so that I can improve it THANK YOU ^•^

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