Chapter 8

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Not edited, sorry about that, but I hope you like it :) let me know what you think;)

Selena's POV

Allison Lydia and all our other friends filled the table. They talked about how they're first day was going but me and Dylan had our own private convo.
" sooooo" he said awkwardly scratching his neck.

" can you come to try outs " I could see how nervous he was waiting for my response.

" I wouldn't miss it for anything "I let out a smile.

We both went casually flirting with each other. Until Dylan's friend, Tyler (Tyler's nickname will be Scott, Dylan's nickname will be stiles , and I think you know the rest;) ) pulled him aside to tell him that coach has called a quick meeting before tryouts.

Dylan comes back grabs his stuff and winks at me before he leaves leaving me speechless and smiling like an idiot, smiling like an idiot on the inside of course I just play it off and give him a flirtatious smile back.

"What was that about?"asked Taylor.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I try and play it off cool as I take a bite from pizza.

"What you think I didn't see that you two were about to kiss" Taylor mocks me causing everyone at our table to face me in a shock.

"You guys were about to kiss?"
"Are you guys secretly dating?"
"Awe you too would be so cute"
"Yeah Dylan! That's my man?"
"When did this happen?!"

Everyone was asking me so many questions but I honestly didn't really know how to answer. It finally hit me ,everyone else seemed happy about me and Dylan "happening", except for Justin . He seemed upset , it was him who asked "when did this happen?!"

I thought he wouldn't have cared.

" helloooo?" Taylor waves her hand in face, knocking me out of thoughts.

I let out a nervous laugh and look down at my phone. I got a text message from Dylan, causing me to smile.

From: Dylan
Hey can you meet me on the field i wanna practice before tryouts.

To: Dylan
Sure I'll be there in five

From: Dylan
Great :)

I look up at Taylor and gave her a cheeky smile before saying " I have to go, I'll see you in English ".

I quickly go to my locker to put away some books. I catch something in the corner of my eye . I turn to find Justin flirting with some girl. I could see her laughing and blushing. And my dumbass thought he was jealous. I was expecting myself to actually be a little jealous. But I wasn't, I just felt bad for the girl. I hope he doesn't do to her , what he did to me.
I close my locker and head to the lacrosse field. I see Dylan talking to Tyler while they're setting up. Walking over to Dylan I hear him shout "there's my lucky star" he finishes off with a wink and I can't help but blush. I hate how easily he can give me the butterflies.

Fuck !why am I acting like such a girl? I quickly try to get over myself and continue walking to Dylan and Tyler.I help the boys set up by setting the orange cones down and putting the net in the middle.

I watched the guys play , but after a while it got boring seeing them miss the goal. I got distracted playing on my phone, when all I hear is Dylan yell " look out!"
I look up from my phone to see the ball coming straight towards me. Before I can react the ball hits me on the side of my forehead causing me to bleed a little.

" shit s-shit shit, I'm so so sorry are , are you ok?" He stuttered.
I was actually fine. I had a small headache, put I could easily take care of that with some Advil.

I took the opportunity to play a little game on him. I buried my head in my hands and let out fake sobs. Tyler came running over, the words " shit dude" left his mouth, causing me slightly laugh. But since my hands muffled my mouth instead of a laugh it sounded like hard sobs.
After a couple of minutes I decided I've had enough torturing them. I slowly picked up my head and looked him straight in the eye. His face still had that worried look in them. It took him a couple of seconds to realize I wasn't actually crying. Once he noticed I couldn't stop laughing.

"I actually thought I hurt you bad"I guess he didn't notice I was still bleeding.

" you've known me for how many years ? Haven't you noticed? I don't cry" I gave him a warm smiling.. He then looked at me like he was going say something, but I beat him to it by laughing. I laughed so hard my headache became worse.
"Woah" i said it so low he probably didn't even hear me. But he got the picture once he saw me grab my head.
"Tyler I'll be back! I'm going to take her to the nurse!" And with that he lifted me up. My legs wrapped themselves around his waist and my arms around his neck. That's the last thing I remember, because I fell asleep in his arms.

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