Chapter 9

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This is video is not mine. All of the videos I use aren't mine, just putting that out there:)

My eyes fluttered open and I woke up to the sound of people arguing. I prompted myself up using my elbows, looking around my surrounding I noticed I was in a little room inside the nurses office. I turn my head towards the door and see Dylan arguing with the nurse in the other room. They were going back and forth and you could obviously tell the nurse wasn't having it.

"please just let me stay" Dylan begged while holding both her hands.

"Child you aren't the one that got hurt were you? now get to class!" the nurse pointed to the door before going to sit in her desk.

Dylan groaned and placed is hands on her desk."Please. I have lunch right now, and I have a free period afterwards."Still the nurse wasn't satisfied with his reasoning and shook her head. Before she could speak Dylan cut her off. "Look its me fault shes in here. I -I was practicing playing lacrosse, and when I threw the ball to the net, it hit the pole on the side instead and bounced off and hit her in the face. I just want to be there when she wakes up.Please let me stay."

The nurse sighed and nodded before saying "alright,just don't make to much noise or else you'll wake her up and give her a headache." Dylan smiled at her in gratitude and started walking to me , once he noticed I was awake, he ran to me. I was still laying on my back with my elbows prompting me up.He kneeled down on one knee and took my hand in his.

"I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" he said.

"Dylan its fine" he didn't believe me

I laughed" seriously, you act like I can't take a hit" I gave him a reassuring smile and he nodded

" at least let me do something for you" he gestured

"like what"

"I don't know, something small for now. how about a ride home?"

" that sounds perfect. where do I meet you after school"

"I'll meet you at your locker"he sent me a wink and helped me up.

As I was getting up, I lost my balance and fell into Dylan's arms. My head was pounding so hard I could barely walk. The words "how about I take you home now"left his mouth, I simply nodded. Dylan talked to the nurse and she let us both go home. The nurse gave me a wheelchair to use until I get to Dylan's car.I hated being in that wheelchair. I felt like i was being dramatic over a small cut and I don't do dramatic . I'm the type of person who likes to be independent. Having Dylan wheel me over to his car made me feel like I couldn't do anything for myself.

The ride home was pure silence , until he pulled up next to my house. He wouldn't stop saying how sorry he was and he explained how the ball managed to hit me on the head. I told him that it was fine. In all honestly it was fine I know that he would never hurt me on purpose.
As I was about to open the car door he yelled "wait!" And started running to my side. He picked me up bridal style and brought me to the door of my house.

" you know I can walk now right?"
I laughed.

" yea but now I have an excuse to pick you up"
Slightly blushing I unlocked the door and we went inside, he sat me down on the couch and took a seat next to me. As much as I like him and all , I really wanted to take a nap.
" I don't mean to be rude, but I think I'm just going to go take a nap, I have a headache" I said sheepishly.
" no problem, I'll see you in school tomorrow? "He lifted his eyebrows and tilted his head down, yet still looking into my eyes.
"Yep" I quickly said before giving him a kiss on the cheek goodbye. He looked a little surprised at my kiss. He started blushing which made me blush.

Right as I was about to close the door he said" do you want a ride to school to tomorrow?"
" that would be great thanks" I said starting to close the door again.
"Bye" he yelled quickly after he put his hands on the side of the door and leaned in for a quick peck on the lips.

I saw him get into his jeep and drive away, the way he makes me feel is indescribable. I hate it and love it at the same time.

Later that night....

Selena's POV
I woke up around 2 in the morning. Have I really been sleeping for so long? I wonder if my family even noticed that I was home, or if I ever left me room .

I stayed in my room , and haven't left since Dylan left. Truth is I do it a lot , lock myself in my room and try my best to escape reality. Aka my family. Let's just say my family has a lot of issues that I rather not think about right now. All I could think about was Dylan. I hate being so focused on some guy. But Dylan , he's different , he makes me feel special. Yes I know that makes me sound so cliche and dramatic, but I don't care . Dylan is Dylan and it feels right when I think of us together.

*tap tap*
Who the fuck? I go to my window and see Dylan nocking asking to come in.

hey guys sorry I'm late at updating:( I was suffering from writers block. Oh and sorry if this chapter sucks . I'm pretty sure it does. I'll try to update again sometime this week . Let me know what you think and how I can improve:)) oh and TBH I didn't edit this so excuse the grammar mistakes hehehe;$

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