Chapter 5

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Hey guys ;D soooo this chapter maybe a little boring, but it's only leading up to the big drama between Dylan , Selena , and Justin. Hope you like it :) I may update tomorrow if not definitely by Tuesday:) thanks for reading:)))) p.s I didnt edit it so sorry for the misspelling or anything. Quick question, who do you vote for?
#Dylena or #jelena or #dustin???

Leaving the pool party me and Justin left on a good note.He kissed my goodbye and everything. My father came to pick me up , and Justin gave me kiss goodbye, sadly he didn't walk me out, he knew that if my father saw him, he (father) would kick his (Justin) ass just for coming near me. So instead Dylan walked me out....I have to admit Dylan is cute but he's just a friend.

I gave Dylan a goodbye hug as he opened and closed the car door for me. He put his arms and head through the opened window.

"Good to see you Mr. Gomez ! Did you catch the mets game last night it was 4-3 against the Red Sox " Dylan exclaimed as he help his hand out.
My father was quick to shake his hand. He always liked Dylan. He thought he was a smart gentleman who always did the right thing. I mean my dad isn't wrong but Dylan can be a little crazy. It's just a matter of time before he gets arrested.

"The mets creamed those suckers , listen you should come over one night to watch the game and have dinner." My dad said eagerly.
" I would love that ! Plus I need to catch with Selena too, i nearly see this firecracker." Dylan let out a smile as he left and went back to the party.

The car ride with my dad was the opposite of silent. He went on and on about how things always happen for a reason ,But how life will still go on. It was odd I could sense something weird going on

***The next day***
I woke up the bright sun shinning on my face. Annoyed with the fact that I woke up early I decided to go over to check my phone. Not a single text from Justin.And that's how it was from the rest of the summer. We didn't talk once more. Of course I was the loser who tried to text him but he always replied like he was being bothered by me, so eventually I stopped trying after 2-3 times.

Unfortunately I always find myself thinking about him. Its stupid I know, especially with the fact that we were never boyfriend girlfriend . But the way he looked at me , it made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. But he was cute too in a manly way. In fact he was one of the cutest boys in school. And oddly he went for me. Now that I think about it, I feel like maybe he kissed me for some bet or something. I don't know .........

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