Chaper 6

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Heyyy shout out to gmssmg321123 and kate_34 for voting for my story you guys are so amazing, literally made my day!;D I will be updating by Thursday because I start school tomorrow ughh bummer anyways I hope you like the story please leave comments to tell me how I can improve it thanks for reading bye.:)))
Tomorrow was the first day of junior year, and I was nervous enough. Junior year is all about SAT's and exams and a bunch or other more important .

As I walk into school with my two best friends Taylor and Allison the last thing I wanted to think about was Justin. Like what the fuck is his problem? Making me feel special in just one day and leaving me all insecure the next.

After receiving my schedule I went to class . First period was pretty boring it's a good thing I had Taylor or I would have fallen asleep. The day went on pretty good I had a friend in each class so far. Everything was going good until fourth period.

I walked into class pretty happy I guess you can say. I had history fourth period and I love history especially when a guy knows his stuff ,that my friend is so fucking sexy.

Walking into class I see Dylan. In less than 5 seconds I devise an evil plan to scare him. He's looking down into his notebook and I couldn't really see what he was writing but it looked like it was the same thing over and over again. I quickly sit in the seat in front of him and I grab him by the shoulders shaking him a bit and semi yelling/whispering Dylan Dylan Dylan! Hiiii!
He looked up at me a little confused then he said "oh shit you scared me " he then let out a small chuckle and pulled me in for a small kiss on the cheek. I was a little shocked by the kiss but I brushed it aside because Dylan is my best friend and things don't get really weird between us anymore( I found out that he had a small crush on me last year , but I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me like that anymore)

"I'm so happy to finally have a class with you !I barely get to see you" I exclaimed

"Me too ! Can I see your schedule? Maybe we had more classes together" he said.

"with my luck doubtful,but fingers crossed" I cross my fingers as I took my schedule out of my folder and I showed him. I glanced down to see his fingers crossed too. It made me smile inside.

"Check it out we have 4
Classes together!" He sounded happy

"Really?!?" You hear the excitement come out of me.

He looked up at me and smiled , which made me smile.

"Yeah look we have fourth period History together,which is right now. lunch fifth period. Seven period Spanish and eight period Math." He sounded more happy than me!

"Great" I said softly with the smile at the end.

"Great" he did the same.

**Ring ring**
The second bell rung which meant class has started.

"hello everyone I am Miss.Arena , take a look at the sheets I am handing out. These are the class rules and how you will be graded with the work I give you. I expect form a class of juniors like you to respect these rules, because I do not tolerate any bad behavior."

I skimmed and scanned through the paper. When I finished I turn around to see Dylan still reading it. I'm pretty sure he caught me staring,he looked up at me and winked" can't wait to violate these rules "
I let out a small laugh and turned towards the doors after I heard someone come in.Fuck Fuck Fuck it was Justin.

" and you are?" The teacher asked.

"Sorry, I guess I'm a little late." Justin sounded innocent and shit.

"That's fine, just don't let it happen again. Take a seat" the teacher said before turning to the board.

It just so happens that the only seat left was the seat next to mine. Me and Justin locked eyes. I quickly turned away and focused on Dylan. I rested my arm on his desk.

" you just love getting into trouble don't you ?" I laughed

"What no I don... Yea ok maybe I do. It's fun I guess" he said weirdly laughing as he scratched his neck. I laughed and turned around to see the little demon ask me a question.

"Hey Selena what's up? " said Justin with a evil smile.

"Hi, not much waiting for this day to over." I was happy with the way I said it , I acted like he had no affect on me. Like he never hurt me.

"Same. Do you wanna ditch?" He asked like I would dare to go with him.

" No thanks " I said blankly.

"Don't be a chicken, com on". Justin teased.

"I said I'm good" I turned around to face Dylan. I gave him a small smile. But he didn't return it. He looked a little pissed.

"Com on what's there to do her...."Justin was cut off by Dylan.

"She said no"Dylan sounded pissed.

" I don't remember asking you" Justin said sitting up to face Dylan.

" well then you must have amnesia because if you don't remember her saying no, you don't remove asking me " Dylan said with a smile at the end.

Justin was about to say something but the bell rang ( thank good because I could fell the tension) so instead he said" whatever I'm going to lunch".
(Great I have another class with this asshole. )

" I thought you were gunna ditch?" Dylan asked sarcastically.
Justin turned around looking pissed as ever.

" get to class mr. Bieber " the teacher said pointing to the door.

I gave the teacher a small smile as I walked out with Dylan.
"Thanks for standing up for me " I said like I was apologizing.

"Don't worry about , now let's get to lunch I'm starving" he said as he put his arm over my shoulder.

"Me too" I held my books in one hand and with the other I put it on the otherside of his waist.

Hope you guys enjoyed:)
Ps sorry if it was too long lol

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