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"Son of a bitch!" I fume, slapping my hands against the steering wheel.

My car refuses to start. I've been sitting here for about 15 minutes, poking around in the hood - although I have no clue what I'm doing - and trying to sweet talk the ignition to come back to life. I always wait until the parking lot clears before leaving school, wanting to avoid people, so of course there's nobody around to help me. There are a few cars scattered here and there, either jocks who are out on the field or court or teachers who are inside grading papers. Two spots down from my car, Harry's is parked and I can't help but be curious as to where he is. I quickly remind myself that I don't care - I shouldn't care.

I give up on trying to start my car, pulling out my iPhone and dialing my dad's number. I drum on the wheel as I wait impatiently for him to pick up. The phone seems to ring endlessly and I wonder what he could be up to. Then I remember, he's in a meeting today... Just my luck. I search every crevice of my brain, trying to think of some solution to this. There are a few people I could probably call, but none that would know how to fix a car. It's times like this when I really miss Jonah; I could always call him if I needed something and he would do his best to help me. He was really good with cars and was even my most trusted mechanic. When he was around, I never paid a dime to get my car fixed, but now I have to go to this creep who is a "friend" of my father's and overcharges me every time.

"Having car trouble?" A voice says really close to my ear.

I jerk up from where I was propped on the steering wheel and stare in shock at Ian Drake. He's propped against the window frame, smirking down at me. His hair is shoved up inside a beanie and his scrawny pale arms poke out of a loose tank top. I've honestly never understood why girls are practically tripping over one another to get a chance with him.

I cough uncomfortably, "No, it's all good."

"You sure? Your car seems pretty dead to me."

I smile sheepishly, "Yeah, I know. I'm just waiting for a friend to come help me out."

Ian flashes his biggest smile, "I could jump you."

My mouth falls agape, "Excuse me?!"

Ian stifles a laugh, "I have cables in my trunk, I could jump start your car if you want."

"Oh... Like I said, I'm waiting on a friend. But thanks," I say as politely as possible.

Ian leans into my car, "You sure, babe? It's really no trouble."

I scoot away slightly as his hand brushes back my hair, "No thanks."

A shiver runs down my spine as Ian places his hand on my thigh. Calling the feeling I'm experiencing 'uncomfortable' would be the greatest understatement ever. I shove his probing fingers away, not wanting any part in his sleazy advances. This is coming completely out of left field because before Harry dragged me to that party, I had no clue Ian knew of my existence. We'd never spoken a single word to each other or even made eye contact - the kid is a stranger.

"I'm just trying to help you out, Cleo..."

"Hey, Ian," that way too familiar Holmes Chapel voice calls from a few feet away.

Ian snaps his head to the side, moving away from my window, "Hey, man."

"What's up?"

Harry comes into view, curls blowing every which way in the wind as he tugs them back with one hand. His tongue pokes out of his mouth to lick his lips as we make eye contact. I smile slightly, very thankful that he showed up in this moment. I can't help but admire the way he stands: feet together, tilted slightly forward, with his hands shoved deep into his pockets. Out of the corner of my eye I see Ian stand up straight and walk over to Harry, clapping him on the back. They have a small exchange before Ian jogs over to his car and drives away. I take a deep breath for the first time in minutes, relieved by Ian's departure.

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