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Harry's POV:

Cleo nods, laughing even harder, "We've been friends for five years and Niall has been flamboyantly gay every single second of those five years."

"Why have I never heard of him?" I ask curiously.

She collects her bottom lip between her teeth, "We kind of stopped being friends last year."

I fiddle with her fingertips, "Sorry."

"S'okay," she says, shrugging.

"I'm a dick," I admit softly, leaning my head against her shoulder.

She runs a hand through my hair, "No, just a cute, jealous drunk."

"I'm not drunk." My words slur and we both burst into a fit of laughter.

"Let's go back out there, I want you to properly meet Niall," she says with a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"No," I whine, tightening my grip on her waist. "Stay here."

Cleo's lips graze my ear, "If you come socialize for a while, maybe later I'll let you do naughty things to me."

"Fuck," I groan, my jeans getting tighter.

Cleo laughs lightly and it's the sweetest sound my ears have ever encountered. She crawls off my lap, but not before "accidentally" groping my crotch. I curse under my breath as I follow her towards the door, adjusting my jeans in hopes to find some relief. When Cleo pulls the door open, she reaches her hand back for me, and I intertwine our fingers without hesitation. We head back down the hallway, which is now crowded with sloppy, drunk couples hoping to get some alone time in the nearest available room. One girl in particular is completely passed out and being held upright by a guy who doesn't seem pleased.

"I'm not drunk enough for this," he mutters before setting the girl down against the wall and walking away.

The situation that just played out before me wouldn't be nearly as entertaining if I wasn't pretty drunk myself. My buzz has worn slightly though, and I'm hoping by the time Cleo is ready to leave I'll be sober enough to drive. We finally reach the kitchen and Cleo looks around for Niall. I spot him leaning against the counter, squished between two girls who are clearly wasted. They are flirting shamelessly with the lad, but little do they know he swings the other way. In hopes of earning some points back with Cleo, I walk over to where Niall is and excuse myself before dragging him away.

"Thank you," he says with an exasperated laugh.

Cleo appears next to me, "You sure are a ladies' man, Ni."

He shrugs, "If only that were useful to me."

There's an awkward silence and Cleo nudges my side, "Sorry about earlier, mate. I was being kind of a dick."

Niall waves it off, "Don't worry about it. I'm flattered that you thought I was competition."

I scratch my neck, "I guess I get jealous when I've had a bit too much to drink."

"Happens to the best of us, but you don't have to worry about me stealing your girl away - unless it's for a shopping trip," he teases, winking at Cleo.

"I can live with that."

Cleo wraps an arm around my waist, "See, isn't it more fun to be nice and not jump to conclusions?!"

"Don't make fun of me," I pout.

"There you are!" someone exclaims from behind me.

I turn just in time to see some dark-haired guy grab Niall and kiss him. I'm caught off guard, as Niall leans into him and knots his fingers in the mystery boy's hair. My attention turns to Cleo, and she's smiling so brightly at the two boys; it's contagious. As I stare at her, a warm feeling spreads throughout my entire body - different than the one produced by alcohol.

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