twenty four

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Songs for this chapter:

All of Me - John Legend

The Writer - Ellie Goulding

I'll Be - Edwin McCain

Breath of Life - Florence + The Machine

Cleo's POV:

Harry is right on my heels as I close the front door and trudge through the foyer toward the kitchen. My heart is beating much faster than normal, the numerous ways this situation could end running on a loop through my mind. I know my dad, and he wouldn't introduce a woman to me if she wasn't special, and to be special to my dad, she'd have to be pretty amazing. But the logical part of my brain took off at the front door, leaving me to the mercy of my imagination.

I enter the kitchen but stop right in the doorway, keeping my gaze on my boots. Harry is at my side, his hand strong against my hip, providing both physical and emotional support just by being here. There's a few seconds of silence before my dad clears his throat, grabbing my attention. I look up, more as a reflex than anything, and there she is. Just standing there in my kitchen as if that's something she does all the time.

She's a lot prettier than I remember her to be, but I've only ever really seen glimpses of her in passing before. She's about my height - 5'8 - with long blonde hair that appears to be natural, and a very curvy yet tone figure. She has legs I would kill for and just from looking at her for a few seconds, I'm jealous of her; she's perfect. And for some reason I don't like that Harry's here, looking at her, seeing her for the first time. Because honestly, who would want to be with me after seeing a woman like that?! Now that he knows there are better options out there, I wouldn't blame him if he left me.

Shit. Breathe, Cleo. In... Out... Again. This is really not the time to be having an anxiety attack. Come on, get it together.

I keep my composure, thank god, and am able to calm down before I hyperventilate and make an absolute fool of myself. But I'm still standing in silence, gawking at this woman like an idiot, so that's not much better. I take in her features: her brown eyes that are doe-like as she watches me stare at her and her bright smile which is beginning to falter. At some point I'm going to have to say something, I'm going to have to come out of this state of shock I'm in and be a normal human being for once.

"Hi," I squeak.

She beams at me as if I've just done the most amazing thing in the world, "Hi, Cleo. I'm Elliot. It is so wonderful to meet you."

"You too."

"Your father has told me so much about you." Her voice is like honey, and for some reason I want to punch her. She's too damn perfect.

I chuckle, "I would say the same but that'd be a lie."

"Cleo," my dad warns, shaking his head at me.

"Adam, don't be so uptight; she's fine!" Elliot waves him off and steps toward me, "Regardless of what your dad has or hasn't told you about me, I'm so glad I'm getting to meet you and let you get to know me for yourself." I'm not really sure what to say to that, so I nod like a moron and attempt to smile. Her attention is then directed to the wonderful boy beside me who's yet to say a word, "And you must be Harry."

And now I'm on edge. She didn't say his name in any kind of way, or look at him weird, or do anything that should have set me off, but it did. I suddenly feel very possessive of him, like if I don't hold him close enough he's going to slip through my fingers. I don't know why I feel like that, maybe because the real life version of Barbie is talking to him, but I don't like it. I feel sick to my stomach just entertaining the idea, so I reach for him quickly, hoping to quell the thoughts.

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