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Note: If you didn't read the introduction, you definitely need to. The story probably won't make much sense unless you've read it.

My palms burn as I attempt to catch myself on the pavement. Sticking my hands out only delays my fall and soon my butt comes in contact with the ground. I brush my hair out of my face and sigh in exasperation. Suddenly a hand reaches out to me and I automatically take it. As I'm being pulled to my feet, I look up and meet the most enchanting set of green eyes. My gaze wanders to every feature on this boy's gorgeous face as he releases my hand and steps away. Then I notice the messy curls that sprout out of his head in all directions. The curls are pushed back off of his forehead. I can't help but admire this stranger, his grunge style and breathtaking looks enticing me.

I realize I've been staring at him for far too long and avert my gaze. To avoid staring at my shoes uncomfortably, I bend over and pick up my backpack and sunglasses, which I push back onto my nose. Once my backpack is settled onto my shoulders, I look back up to find him staring at me with a smirk plastered on his face, revealing a dimple so deep you could get lost in it. My cheeks begin to heat up as he stares at me unapologetically. Without another word, I step around him and head toward the old, warn down, brick building I get the displeasure of being in for seven hours a day. Although I don't expect him to, he begins to walk with me. Neither of us say anything as we walk side-by-side.

The boy shoves his hands in the pockets of his black jeans and looks down at me from his serious height advantage, "Sorry for knocking you over." I catch the hint of a British accent, but it's hard to tell right off.

I shrug, "I wasn't expecting you. I mean, nobody else parks out there."

"Sorry, didn't mean to invade your space," he says with a small smile playing on his lips. Yep, definitely British.

"It's fine."

We reach the entrance to the school and he holds the door open for me. Without even a glance over my shoulder, I step into the front office where I'm an aid for first period. Expecting that to be the end of my little encounter with the curly-haired boy, I'm surprised to see him propped against the wall as I set my bag down behind the counter. As we lock eyes, he steps forward and places his forearms on the counter, leaning onto them.

"Are you following me now?"

He laughs softly, "I wish." I raise my eyebrows and he continues, "I have a meeting with the principal. I'm new."

I nod before picking up the phone on my desk and pressing the number one for speed dial. The boy watches me with probing eyes as I wait for Mr. Johnson to answer. His office is barely 100 feet away but when his door is closed, I'm supposed to call in to see if he's busy. I look everywhere else but back up at the new kid who has already shown a special talent for making me uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Good morning, Mr. Johnson," I say unenthusiastically. "You have a new student here that is waiting to meet with you."

"Oh, delightful. Send him on in," he says before hanging up abruptly.

I roll my eyes as I set the phone back down on it's base, "You can go back to his office."

"Thanks, darling," he says cheekily with a wink before strolling past me.

The 50 minutes of first hour drag by so slowly I think I might keel over from boredom. Usually there is a slew of kids coming in to change their schedule or be disciplined, but it's utterly dead this morning. Normally I have stacks upon stacks of papers to file or deliver to teachers, but not today. I resign to leaning back in my swivel chair with my feet propped up on the counter, listening to music, and staring at the clock. I will the long hand to move faster, but to my dismay that only seems to make it go slower. I pop two pieces of gum in my mouth, the ideal amount for blowing bubbles - the most satisfying part of chewing the minty treat.

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