twenty nine

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Songs for this chapter:

All of the Stars - Ed Sheeran

I Want What You Have - Williamette Stone

Heart Like Yours - Williamette Stone

Cleo's POV:

"Hi, I just came in to drop off an application," I say with a smile as I hand the paperwork over the cashier at Uma's - a local thrift shop.

The girl standing behind the counter seems to be about my age, maybe a couple years older, with teal hair and a nose ring. Her lips curl up in a polite smile, "Yeah, let me grab my manager. One second." She turns and disappears down a dimly lit hallway. While I wait, I browse the nearby racks, finding so many things I want to buy but can't afford.

"Hey, I'm Paxton, the manager, what can I do for you?" The voice appearing from behind startles me and I swivel around, dropping the black crop top I'd been admiring. I mumble an apology and hang the item back on the rack before extending my arm and handing him my application.

"I just came in to drop this off. I'm Cleo"

Paxton takes the thin stack of papers and sets it on the counter, thumbing through it briefly. While he looks it over, I look him over. He's tall, at least 6'5", built like a swimmer - all broad shoulders and back muscles, with thick, black glasses, a handful of visible tattoos - one on the side of his neck, and dark hair swept up and to the right. He's easy on the eyes, but he's no Harry. His style is very similar to Harry's actually - skinny jeans, combat boots, a fitted flannel button down; honestly, he's the whole package physically.

"Your application looks great, but there's no number for us to contact your former boss at," Paxton says, looking up and locking eyes with me, and I turn bright red because surely he knows I was staring.

It takes me a few seconds to process what he said and I fumble like an idiot over my words, "He-um... He didn't leave a number for me to reach him at. He relocated to Los Angeles recently."

"Well, until we can get ahold of him, we won't be able to hire you. What's the name of his new store? Maybe we can find a phone number for the shop and talk to him that way."

"He changed the name to 'Micky's', I think." I clasp my hands in front of me and pick at my fingernails. I really need a job and working here would be ideal, but it sounds like they're not going to hire me. Add this on top of everything else going on right now, and I'm sure anyone could imagine why I'm stressed out.

Paxton scribbles something down at the top of my application before turning to face me, "Well, I'd like to ask you a couple questions, if that's okay."

"Go for it."

He eyes me up and down, "You clearly have the style to work here, but I'd like you to explain your style to me. What do you call it? What do you look for when shopping?"

I bite the inside of my cheek, "Well, I'd say my style is definitely grunge, with heavy 90's influence. As for what I look for when shopping, I go for clothing that is versatile, vintage, and shows off my body. Occasionally I'll go for a bold pattern to spice things up."

Paxton nods, "I can definitely tell you have great taste in clothes and you know what's in right now."

"Thank you."

"Okay, so," Paxton walks across the store, and I follow. He stops at the back wall, where scarves and sweaters are stacked on shelves. He reaches up and retrieves a scarf before turning to face me. "Our merchandise is on the pricy side, there's no doubting that. This scarf here is $32, how would you sell it to me?"

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