Missing | Ch. 1

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You fell down into the Ruins one week ago. Toriel has been taking care of you and Frisk (Frisk is a girl in this story).

"(Y/N), wake up!" Toriel said as she shook you awake. By the look on her face you knew immediately something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" you mumbled. You glanced at the alarm clock of the dresser between your bed and Frisk's. The red numbers read '3:28 A.M'.

"It's- Its Frisk. She's gone."  You shot up and looked at Frisk's bed. You didn't realize until now that it was empty and unmade. "(Y/N)-" You interrupted her.

"Frisk!" everything was happening so fast. Next thing you know you were downstairs, even though Toriel had told both Frisk and you not to go down there. Tori followed you. She walked up to you and rested a hand on your shoulder as if saying "I'm sorry...". The door that was down there was wide open, wind blowing in bringing snow with it. That's when you spotted the note on the ground. It was hardly noticeable since it was half covered by snow. You ran over and picked it up.

"Dear (Y/N) and Mom,

Don't come looking for me. I couldn't stand being down here anymore, in the Underground. I miss home. Our home, (Y/N). On the surface. I'm going to find a way back up. I'll miss you both

                                                                                      Love, Frisk "

Tori ran over when she realized it was a note.

"What's it say?" she asked.

All you  managed to get out was a cry. Tears stremed down your face and you fell to your knees.

{DISCONTINUED} Finding Home | Undertale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now