Alphys | Ch. 7

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"So do you even know where we're going?" you asked Sans. You had been walking for about 6 hours and didn't want Sans to teleport you guys to your destination because
1) Teleporting made you nauseas
2) What if you saw Frisk on the way the way? Or someone who saw her?

"Yea were almost there. Maybe in about another hour or two we'll be there.

"Thank god. So this Alphys person, you said they probably know exactly where Frisk is. How?" You asked. You couldn't imagine how Frisk had gotten this far or how she would know Alphys.

"Just trust me. She will."

"I mean I trust you, Sans, I just want to know how she would know exactly where Frisk is. Like, yea it's helpful she does and all , but I don't much appreciate somebody stalking my little sister." You both laughed, however, it was more of a nervous laughter at what was about to come.

~Le time skip

"This is the place" you and Sans stood in front of a lab.  This so called Alphys was in there and supposedly knew where Frisk was.  You entered the building alongside Sans and heard someone in the other room. Soon after, a yellow dinosaur in glasses and an oversized lab coat waltzed out into the room.

"S-Sans?" She stuttered. She was looking at you probably wondering how another human was in the Undergroud.

"We're looking for Frisk. You seen her?" Alphys just looked at you obviously confused.

"I'm (Y/N). Frisk is my little sister and she ran away from home about two days ago. Sans said you knew where she was."

"O-oh in that case, h-hello (Y/N) I'm Dr. Alphys.  A-and, well, I know where Frisk is, b-but my cameras are d-down"

"Cameras?  Wait you've been watching her on cameras!"

"There h-hooked up all over t-the Underground. I've been w-watching her journey this entire t-time" to be frank, you didn't really care right now. You just wanted to see Frisk again. "She's b-battling with M-Mettaton right now."
Wait. What.

"Battling!" you exclaimed. Sans hadn't really said anything this whole time. You almost forgot he was there.

"Don't worry (Y/N). She'll be okay.  I'm s-sure there battle is d-done by now anyways!" Alphys looked nervous.

"Ok, sorry for snapping it's just-" you felt yourself about to cry. Everything in the past two days had been horrible. The only good thing that has happened was meeting Sans and Papyrus. Not everything in this world was bad, I guess.

"It's alright. I understand you just m-miss her really badly" Alphys said "If you want you could stay here until I get the cameras up and w-working again."

"I guess that would be okay." you spoke. Staying here wouldn't be so bad.

"O-oh alright then. I'll let you guys know if the cameras start w-working again" and with that she wrote down her number and gave it to you, just in case you happened to need it.

"Thanks, Alphys"


Even though you didn't want to, Sans teleported you both to Waterfall to give you a chance to clear your mind. You stopped and looked towards the ceiling. Sans didn't realize and kept walking.

"(Y/N)? You okay?" He turned and asked when he finally noticed.

"Yea. I- I just really miss Frisk. I wish she'd just turn back and come home..." you stated through tears.  Sans walked over and hugged you.

"Hopefully your wish comes true soon"

~Le time skip

You woke up in the same "bed", if you could call a load of blankets and pillows in the floor that, that you had fallen asleep on in Alphys's lab.  You couldn't see anyone else around, so you got up to look for either Alphys or Sans. Upon exploring, you saw a door that had a bathroom sign next to it. Thinking about it, you did need to pee. However, right as you were about to enter Alphys ran up to you urgently.

"(Y/N)! (Y-Y/N), I have bad news" she looked nervous. Not a good sign.

"What happened? Was it Frisk? Where is she? Is she okay?" you bombarded her with your questions.

"Well, right now she's perfectly fine. But Mettaton came h-home last night without Frisk. It s-seems she went on to head to the castle. T-to Asg-gore"

"Wait, what? What's that mean? Why's it bad that she's going to Asgore's?"

"W-well. Asgore w-won't show her m-mercy. He'll try a-and take her s-soul. To b-break the b-barrier" you couldn't manage to get out any words. So Frisk was about to... to.

To die?

"(Y-Y/N)? You okay?"

"I just. I- I need to- I need to just think for a minute" you voiced cracked.

"O-okay (Y/N). I suppose y-you'll be leaving soon? To go a-after her?"

"Yea..." Sans had just wandered into the room you and Alphys were talking in. You guessed you looked like you were about to cry, which may be why Sans was a bit concerned.

"(Y/N) what happened?!" He rushed over to the 'group'.

You replied by just silently crying and letting Alphys explain what was going on. She told Sans about Frisk, and about what it meant for her fate.


{DISCONTINUED} Finding Home | Undertale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now