Your Best Nightmare | Ch. 9

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"This is it" said Undyne right before the elevator door opened.

"Yep" you said as the door parted. Undyne exited the elevator a you started to step out when Sans grabbed your arm. You turned to face him.

"Whatever is about to happen... be careful" he breathed. You nodded in response and left the elevator with him, catching up to Undyne.

"You nerds are slow" the fish says without turning around. A house appears into your view. It resembles Mom's...

"W-wha?" you start, but were interrupted.

"Asgore's. He still cares about Toriel"

"Oh" as the three entered the house, you saw many golden flowers planted everywhere. In the flower pots, all of them. Absolutely everywhere.

*ring ring*

The phone startled you in the silence.

"H-hello?" you answered.

"Alphys here! U-uhm.. Frisk is at the throne room door. She just entered it. I cant see w-what's happening anymore."

"We're almost there" a tear escaped your eye. You could be a few minutes late, which would result in you seeing  your sister's demise. You reached up and wiped the tear from your face before anyone could see it. You ended your call with Alphys. The group walked down the stairs past the already unlocked chain. Exiting the house, your anxiety grew. Each step closer, you imagined reuniting with Frisk, and tried not to think about what would happen if you were too late.

"There it is" said Sans as the throne room entrance came into view.

"Y-yea" you stutter. Undyne led the way to the throne room as you and Sans followed.

*Throne - Entrance The ominous feeling in your stomach... It fills you with determination

You entered the throne room doorway hesitantly, not knowing what to except.

You saw Asgore kneeled down hugging Frisk, his red trident cast away to the side.

"Frisk?" you called out. She looked over.

"(Y-Y/N)?!" she let go of Asgore and ran over to you. "I told you not to follow me" she embraced you into a hug, crying into your shoulder.

"I missed you so much Frisk" you cried.

"Undyne? Sans? what are you guys going doing here?" she asked them, pulling away from the hug.

"Wait, you know them?" you asked her, surprised.

"Yea! Wait, did you meet everyone?"

"Yea, I did! I'm just so glad to have you back!" Asgore walked over.

"Howdy! I'm Asgore, I'm sure you've heard of me. I'm guessing you know Frisk?" he introduced himself.

"I'm (Y/N), Frisk's older sister"

"Nice to meet you!" he replied.

"This was a lot easier than excepted.." said Undyne. Sans still looked uneasy.

"Sans, you okay?" you turned to him and asked. He was leaning against a wall looking down.

"Hmm? Oh, yea, I'm fine" he looked up, but then back at the floor, his hands in his pockets.

"I can tell somethings on your mind. What's up?" you asked, walking over to him.

"Its just... something isn't right. It feels too  easy, ya know" he whispered to you in order not to alarm anyone.

{DISCONTINUED} Finding Home | Undertale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now