Meeting the Skelebros | Ch. 3

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You were walking down the snowy path towards- well, you didn't know what. But you did know one thing, you were gonna find Frisk no matter what it took.
You looked around the area as you walked. The crushing feeling of being watched engulfed you, however, all that was there was a bush, some trees, and a branch up the path in the middle of the light snowfall. Quietly, you kept a steady pace down the path, but even after passing the branch the feeling still lingered.


The stick broke. You were being followed.
You decided to pick up your pace. You didn't want to find out who was following you. Or what.
You reached this... gate thingy.

. . .

They were right behind you. The feeling of a presence of something living was right behind you.

"Human. Don't you know how to greet a new pal?" You didn't know what to do. If you ran, they'd definitely catch you. "Turn around and shake my hand."
You did as they said.


Really? A whoopee cushion?
Anyways they introduced their self.
"I'm Sans. Sans the skeleton."

"Ugh- um" you didn't know what to say. You stood there staring, I mean, this was a talking skeleton. Stuff like this was only supposed to exist in movies. But really, you've been living with a magic goat woman for the past however-long, survived a fall into a mountain, and had been almost killed by a flower. So why was this anymore surprising?

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" they asked. In all honesty, you were scared. I mean you knew their were monsters from Tori's stories. But skeletons?!

"Your- your a-"

"A Skelton. Yea." He seemed confused. "Ya know, you're not the first human to pass through here."
You gasped at the statement.


"Yea. Yea that was their name, speaking of which, you never gave me yours" said Sans completely disregarded your exclamation.

"Where did they go!" You yelled.

"Hmm... Weird name. Never met someone with the name 'Wheredidtheygo' before." You're getting the vibe that Sans isn't a very serious person.

"Rrrrrg!" You grunted in frustration. "(Y/N)! Happy! That's my name! Now where did Frisk go?!" You felt kind of bad for yelling at him. You only just met him. He was taken aback by your anger. You felt your face blush red.
He just stared at you, not knowing what to say. He was still surprised by your sudden burst. When he didn't answer you you just started walking the way you were headed before this whole interaction.

"Wait!" yelled Sans, running to catch up with you. You just stood still, not even turning around to face him. "The other human, Frisk, they said they were going home. I didn't really get to talk to them."
You were glad you didn't turn around. You felt a tear or two escape from your eyes.

"I-" your voice cracked. "I'm going to find her. No matter what it takes." And you kept walking.

~Le time skip

"Finally" you muttered. You had reached a small, snowy town.

"Yo!" A little kid said. Wait. Is he an armless dinosaur? Somehow, you weren't surprised.

You looked around. "Me?" you asked the kid, pointing at yourself.

"Yea! I haven't seen you around before." He tilted his head.

{DISCONTINUED} Finding Home | Undertale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now