Almost Died. Un-dyed :D | Ch. 4

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What a weird dream you though when you woke up that morning. Then you sat up and realized that yesterday was in fact, not a dream. You fell asleep on the couch last night at Sans and Papyrus's place.

"HUMAN, YOU ARE AWAKE!" said Papyrus from the kitchen.

"Oh, hey Papyrus" you said groggily as you had just woken up.


"Ah, no I'm good for now" Was he putting glitter in that spaghetti?


"Ok, thanks, Papy!" you got off the couch and put the blanket someone placed on you to the side and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.
Why do skeletons have a bathroom? They're skeletons. Whatever.
Shortly after, you got out the shower and got dressed, you decided you should probably head out soon. Frisk is still out there getting into God knows what trouble. You were sitting outside on the door stoop of Sans and Papy's house.

"Hey (Y/N)" Sans spoke, cause you to practically jump out of your skin.

"Sans! Don't sneak up on me like that! You scared the crap out of me." You didn't hear the door open.. Guess you must have been lost in thought... or something.

"Hehe sorry." He came and sat next to you. "So whatcha thinking about."

"Oh. It's nothing."

"Common you can tell me" he nudged your side.

"Frisk. She's still out there. Somewhere."

"I'm sure she's fine." You felt a year escape your eye.  (Note: keeping that typo because the comments on it are just too funny XD)

"Hey don't cry, it'll be okay. You'll find her." He wiped the tear from your face and you smiled. " Thanks Sans"

~Le later

You, Sans, and Papyrus were all sitting on the couch watching some movie you've never heard of.
*knock knock knock*
You and Sans both looked at the door, obviously confused. Who would be here?
"THAT MUST BE UNDYNE!" Papyrus said getting up.

"Oh no..." said Sans. Wait, why oh no?


"Human? There's a human in there!" You heard a muffled voice say through the door.

Splintered wood shot across the room. A few tiny pieces of wood were swinging effortlessly of the metal hinges of the door. She completely knocked down and broke the door. Why were you not surprised she was a fish person?

"UNDYNE, THIS IS OUR NEW FRIEND (Y/N)!" Papyrus went to introduce you, but it seemed as if she wasn't exactly fond of humans. She launched at you with a blue spear. You just completely froze because everything was happening so fast.
The last thing you remember was Sans grabbing your wrist and you getting really dizzy. Suddenly, you weren't at the house anymore.

"Ugh what happened?" You asked Sans, still dizzy.

"Ugh- you just. " started Sans. "Blacked out. Everything was just so crazy  and-" you interrupted him.

"Sans tell me the truth"

"I- I ugh. I don't know how to explain it exactly." He started to get slightly nervous and- Oh my god...

"Sans..." you got a really worried look on your face.

"What?" He asked frantically.

"Your eye. It's blue."

"Oh um- y- yea. It um, does that."

"I- I- uh" you didn't even know what to say or do right now.

"What's wrong cat got your tongue? Hehe" he was nervous. It was kinda funny. "Oh come on, (Y/N, say something" he begged you to break the ice, to clear the heavy air, to make this situation not awkward.

"I'm just, really confused right now"

He came over to you and sat by you on the ground to comfort you.

"I call it a shortcut."


"When I teleport.  And with my eye. Well. It's magic"

"Oh." You just realized how cold you were. When Sans teleported, that's gonna take some getting used to saying, you both to somewhere else in or near Snowdin, and you didn't have your jacket.

"Cold?" you nodded. "Here" he held out his hand. "Let's get you home."

You grabbed Sans hand and "took a shortcut" back home.

"I don't think I'll never get used to that" you said as you regained your balance.


"Oh, I'm alright. I'll be there in a second" you replied.

You headed inside with Sans, and Undyne was sitting on the half-destroyed couch. The side where you were sitting before was pretty much completely destroyed. Sans looked at it and just sighed as if this type of thing was normal.

"Hey, uh. Sorry about tryna kill you and stuff. I'm not exactly... Good.. with humans"

"It's okay. I mean I don't guess you see humans a lot down here."
That's when the thought hit you. Frisk.

"Um, hey Undyne can I ask you a question?" had she hurt Frisk? If she did...


"Have you seen another human before me. Like recently?"

"No. What is there another human down here?" She instinctively reached for her spear, but Sans already had taken it.

"Sorry. It's instinctive."

"SO ARE WE ALL FRIENDS NOW?" asked Papyrus with a hopeful look in his eyes. Everyone laughed. Papyrus, no matter the situation, could always bring up everyones spirits with his adorable innocence.

{DISCONTINUED} Finding Home | Undertale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now