To Hotland | Ch. 6

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"Thanks for letting me stay while I didn't have a place." You were all packed up and ready to head out. You were gonna miss the skelebros.

"(Y/N), ARE YOU GOING TO COME BACK SOON?" Papyrus really was gonna miss you.

"Yea, of course I'll come back. Once I get Frisk. We'll both come back here." you said with a smile full of determination.

"Um, (Y/N)?" Sans handed you your pack. You still had your butterscotch pie from Mom. It was more than just a pie to you. It showed that all of this was real, in a way, and that you would never forget your newfound mother. Once finding Frisk, you would go back to the Ruins, back to Mom, but you wouldn't go alone.

"Yea, Sans?"

"I'm- I'm gonna come with you."

"Wait, what!" Papy and you yelled in unison.

"I mean. Not that I don't want  you to come or anything. I mean- it's um- it's just a surprise that's all" you felt your face go deep red from embarrassment.


"Hey relax, Paps. You can call Undyne over. Extra cooking lessons or something." Sans really didn't want Paps to be alone or upset, but he also wanted to join you on your adventure.


~Le time skip

"You sure you don't wanna teleport?" asked Sans for what felt like the billionth time.

"Yes, I'm sure. I really don't feel like puking right now" you both laughed. You had made it to Waterfall now. The luminescent crystals on the ceiling of the cave reminded you of the stars from the surface. That's one thing you really missed from the surface.


"Wha? Oh sorry. I was just looking at the roof of this cave, it's-"

"Beautiful?" Sans finished your sentence. You were too busy admiring the ceiling to finished your thoughts.

"So? Don't you have any wishes to make?"  You heard a passing conversation from the echo flowers.
After a while of walking you reach a room full of lily pads.

"Hey (Y/N). Wanna see something?"

"Uh, sure what is it" Sans grabbed the lily pads and put the in the corner of the room. "What are you doing?"

"Just follow me" you follow Sans into this hidden spot where there's a bench, an echo flower, and a quiche.

"What's with the quiche?" You laughed and listened to what the echo flower had to say.
*I wasn't ready for the responsibility.
It sounded like a bad representation of Sans's voice.

"Oh don't listen to that. It's stupid"

You and Sans sat and ate the quiche and stop for a break for a while.

"So once we get to Hotlands" you said between bites "where do we go?"

"Well I was thinking Alphys would know exactly where Frisk is"


"Don't worry you'll love her"

After each of you had a nap, you headed back on your way to Hotland.
You could tell you two were nearing Hotland because the temperature was slowly getting warmer with each step closer.  Sooner or later you found yourself and Sans passing a large neon sign displaying the words "Welcome to Hotland!" on it.

"Geez it's getting hot. I mean I expected it to be hot the place is called Hotalnd after all but still." you complained.

"You should try sunglasses"

"What? Sunglasses? How that supposed to cool me off whatsoever?"

"They make you a whole lot cooler" Sans grabbed a pair of sunglasses out of his pocket and put them on.
"Hahaha, do you really carry around sunglasses just to make that pun" you were laughing hysterically. You sure did love his puns.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." He smiled a genuine smile and put the shades back in his pocket. What else did he just keep on him for puns? Maybe someday you'll find out.

{DISCONTINUED} Finding Home | Undertale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now