The End? | Ch. 10

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Sans followed you as you walked back into the same room you had just died in. You almost didn't believe that that had just happened. When you walked in Frisk was standing next to Asgore looking at the doorway as if she had been waiting for you to enter. As soon as you walked in she yelled out and ran to you embracing you in a hug.


"Frisk! I missed you so much!" you yelled as you hugged her back.

"Howdy, I'm Asgore! I'm sure you've heard of me. I'm guessing you know Frisk?" Asgore said as he walked over.

"I'm (Y/N), Frisk's older sister"

"Nice to meet you!" he shook your hand. Frisk ran over to where the goat king's red trident laid on the floor. She picked it up and brought it to Asgore, and he thanked her for picking it up.

"I'll be outside" Sans looked you in the eye. He was worried, yet so were you. What if something traumatic happened again and you couldn't reset? Before anyone could try and convince him to stay, he was already out the throne room entrance. He was most likely going to meet Papyrus outside and tell him to go back home.

"This was a lot easier than expected..." said Undyne.

"Would anyone like some tea?" offered Asgore "I can make some golden flower tea for everyone."

This was the same thing that happened before. Flowey had showed up when Papyrus entered the room and asked about his 'friend'. Did that mean he was here now? Listening in? Just knowing that he very well may be watching everything that was happening right now made you very uneasy.

"Thank you, but no thank you. Maybe another time, though!" you decided to speak up before Undyne had the chance to say yes. Papyrus was probably talking to Sans right outside the throne room by now. Flowey was behind the walls, you just knew it. All the vines on the wall; which ones were normal vines and which belonged to the monstrous creature you had been killed by before, you didn't know.

"Hey, Frisk, can you come here for a second?" She hurried over upon your call. Undyne was busy talking to Asgore, thankfully. You didn't want them to overhear on this conversation. "Listen, you're not going to believe me when I say this but Flowey- remember him?- he's not just a flower anymore and he-" Frisk cut you off before you could finish rambling out your hushed sentence.

"I know. I don't want to see you or anyone else here die again either, okay?"

How... how had she known?

"I remember, too. I can't control the SAVE files anymore. I'm guessing you can, right?"

"R-right. how do you-"

"Shh let me finish. If you can control the SAVE files that means Flowey can't." the look Frisk had on her face was serious. She knew what she was talking about as if she had done this a million times before.

"I know, Sans told me. But what do we do? How are we supposed to beat him? He's too powerful." you were referring to the "upgraded" Flowey. You still had no idea how you all were supposed to battle him, much less defeat him.

"Omega Flowey can be defeated. Trust me. Determination is on our side, not his"

"Ok, I understand that, but how. I have no means of fighting and it doesn't look like you do either."

"We'll figure it out. I promise."

An almost inaudible, low hum resonated from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Nobody really noticed it, seeing as they were preoccupied by their false victory. Flowey was becoming inpatient.

{DISCONTINUED} Finding Home | Undertale FanficWhere stories live. Discover now